Wave of protests:

“EU brought to its knees by angry farmers”

01.02.2024 12:59

The farmers' protests are spreading to more and more EU countries. Farmers in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy are venting their anger. Farmers receive EU subsidies, "but Brussels doesn't come and pour out the cornucopia. I wouldn't say that we're talking at a high level here," says "Krone" environmental journalist Mark Perry in an interview with Jana Pasching.

Above all, it is the regulations that many farmers want to defend themselves against. "I know an organic farmer who is now quitting. Every time he thought he had met all the requirements and regulations from Brussels, something new comes along." Intervention directly in the barn and farm does not stop.

Small steps are still being taken, says Perry: "After all, there is now this EU breakfast directive. Honey may no longer be adulterated." But still: "The EU is being brought to its knees by angry farmers."

(Bild: AP)

Concessions from the EU
French farmers have been particularly rebellious in recent days. The European Commission recently even made concessions to the farmers. These include imports from Ukraine, but also exemptions from fallow land regulations. Nevertheless, there is currently no end in sight to the protests. Further protests were planned, particularly around the EU summit in Brussels on Thursday.

"Krone" environmental journalist Mark Perry (Bild: krone.tv)
"Krone" environmental journalist Mark Perry

On the one hand, he is surprised that things are relatively quiet in Austria, says Perry. On the other hand, there are "good farmers' representatives". The Farmers' Union is in government with the ÖVP. "The last time farmers protested was when the price per kilo for milk fell enormously. The farmers' association had to hold demonstrations in front of supermarkets to give their anger an outlet." Nothing can be ruled out: "But I don't see any major protests on the horizon in Austria."

The environmental journalist sees the annual land consumption in Austria as an ecological conflagration - "because it won't stop". It's about our livelihood. You can watch the whole interview in the video above.

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