Lesbian relationship

AfD leader sees Weidel as a “traditional woman”

06.02.2024 13:02

Tino Chrupalla, leader of the German AfD party, considers co-party leader Alice Weidel to be a "traditional woman". Weidel is this "naturally, absolutely", Chrupalla said on Tuesday. According to her own statements, Weidel is in a lesbian relationship and is married to a woman with whom she is raising two children.

In its party platform, the AfD is committed to "the traditional family as a model", in which mother and father bear responsibility for their children.

"We want ideologically free youth education"
In an interview with broadcasters RTL and n-tv, Chrupalla criticized the education of children in daycare centers and schools. "It's about the ideology that is being introduced into daycare centres and schools, partly by non-governmental organizations," he said. "We want ideology-free youth education, but of course we also want ideology-free nursery care."

Women are in short supply in the AfD
Chrupalla did not want to see a problem in the fact that there are only a few women among AfD party members and very few women in the parliamentary groups in the Bundestag and state parliaments. "This is certainly due to the fact that politics is certainly not so desirable for many women," he said. "Nevertheless, we don't have a quota either. With us, it's the quality that counts."

Last year, Weidel said the following about her personal circumstances in an ARD summer interview: "I'm married to a woman I've known for 20 years and we have two children together." She does not feel discriminated against - "why should she?" Weidel criticized the gender policy of the German Ampel coalition as "stupid".

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