Valentine's Day

6 out of 10 Austrians give gifts to their loved ones

07.02.2024 14:40

62 percent of Austrians surveyed want to give their loved ones a gift on Valentine's Day. This is the result of a survey conducted by KMU Forschung Austria. According to the survey, an average of 55 euros is spent per person.

The most popular gift (48 percent) is flowers, followed by chocolates and chocolate (36 percent). Vouchers for restaurants and trips together are in third place. Every tenth person surveyed is giving massage vouchers, spa or hairdresser visits as a gift this year. The majority intend to buy the gifts in Austrian shops.

Chocolates are also a popular gift. (Bild: © -
Chocolates are also a popular gift.

Men are more likely to give their partner a present
According to the survey, around six out of ten respondents want to give their loved one a gift on Valentine's Day. Compared to the previous year, this proportion has risen slightly. People who are in a relationship are slightly more willing to give gifts. For example, 78% of men and 70% of women want to give their partner a gift.

According to another survey by the trade association, it is mainly unmarried people who give gifts. Twelve percent give gifts to their mother, six percent to friends and three percent to relatives other than their mother.

"Significance for domestic trade"
"This shows that Valentine's Day is becoming increasingly important for people in the country, but also for local retailers. Presents act as a mood booster in the still gloomy mood that prevails in the face of the crisis in the retail sector, which has been ongoing for several years," said Rainer Trefelik, Chairman of the Retail Division of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, in a press release.
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