High dependency

Russian gas will be over from 2028

12.02.2024 06:00

Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) reveals that dependence on Russian gas will last another four years. However, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (also Green Party) wants to accelerate the phase-out (see video above).

Almost two years have passed since Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine. However, OMV is still diligently importing cheap gas from Russia to Austria.

Although gas consumption in Austria has fallen by 12.5 percent, gas imports have also decreased in absolute terms. However, by the end of 2023, between 76 and 90 percent of the gas used will have come from Russia. The rest comes from Norway and via LNG terminals.

An OMV gas pipeline (Bild: AFP/Dieter Nagl)
An OMV gas pipeline

Contract with Russia is an "economic crime"
Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) is still too dependent. At a press conference on Monday, she once again called on energy suppliers to find alternatives to cheap gas from Russia.

In the "Krone" interview, Green Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler defines the political goal: "What we have already achieved is to reduce the amount of gas we buy from Russia by 50 percent. The aim is to be completely independent by 2027/2028. And Chancellor Karl Nehammer is on board with that."

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

Kogler describes the gas supply contract with Russia as "an economic crime". It ensured that "after 2014, our dependence on Russia really took off".

However, the federal government also has some homework to do. In order to diversify gas supplies, it would be important to eliminate the bottleneck in the Upper Austrian Mühlviertel region. It is an important strategic project. The second pipeline would allow more gas to flow from the west to the east if Russia is no longer a supplier.

However, a "dispute between Gas Connect, E-Control and Verbund is causing a standstill" in the expansion of a second 40-kilometre gas pipeline, criticizes Karin Doppelbauer, energy spokesperson for the Neos party. "The black-green government should have taken Verbund to task long ago and brought about a decision," demanded the Pinken.

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