Washington worried

Kremlin apparently developing nuclear space missiles

15.02.2024 06:32

Excitement in Washington: Is Russia currently developing anti-satellite weapons systems for space? The statement by a leading US Republican and consistent media reports are causing nervousness - and anger among US parliamentarians.

The United States has informed Congress and European allies of new intelligence on Russian nuclear capabilities that could pose an international threat. A person familiar with the matter said this on Wednesday, confirming a report in the New York Times.

Putin is apparently targeting Western communication systems. (Bild: AFP)
Putin is apparently targeting Western communication systems.

Weapons for space
The new capabilities do not pose an acute threat to the United States, said the person, who wished to remain anonymous. The findings were related to Russian attempts to develop a space-based weapon.

On Wednesday, the warning from the chairman of the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner, of a "serious threat to national security" had caused puzzlement in the USA.

High level of secrecy
Turner called on President Joe Biden to make "all information regarding this threat" publicly available. Two people familiar with the matter said that Turner's statement was in connection with Russia and a mission in space. They declined to provide further details, citing the high level of secrecy.

Fox News reported that the use of nuclear systems against satellites could potentially disable US military communications and reconnaissance. US media have reported a national and international security threat. There was initially no official confirmation of the reports.

Several members of the House of Representatives, who are privy to intelligence information of this kind, tried to counteract the general excitement following Turner's statement. Turner's unusual statement was also sharply criticized. Some of his colleagues questioned his suitability as head of the intelligence committee.

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