"Military education"

Croatia on the brink of reintroducing compulsory military service

27.02.2024 17:29

The war in Ukraine has sparked a debate on the reintroduction of compulsory military service in numerous European countries. The Bundeswehr reservists' association, for example, considers the return of compulsory military service to be unavoidable, otherwise Germany would be "unable to defend itself". Croatia is apparently already one step ahead. According to a media report, the government in Zagreb is planning to introduce "compulsory basic military training".

"The decision has been made", headlined the daily newspaper "Jutarnji list" two days ago, referring to consultations between the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff on compulsory military service, which is not officially referred to as such, especially as Prime Minister Andrej Plenković had only recently ruled out returning.

Head of government Andrej Plenković (Bild: APA/AFP/Fabrice COFFRINI)
Head of government Andrej Plenković

Training locations and duration
However, the basic training, which is to be provided for all young men aged 18 and over, will reportedly only last three months. During this time, the young recruits should achieve a certain level of physical fitness, learn how to handle infantry weapons and important military basics. The barracks in Požega, Sinj, Pula and Bjelovar are named as training locations.

According to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, three months of training is "completely sufficient". Of around 17,000 young men, around 15,000 are likely to actually make it into the recruit pool. The others will be deemed unfit.

Parliament still has to approve
The plans still have to be approved by the government and then submitted to parliament for a vote. If everything goes according to plan, the first cohorts could start "basic military training" in 2025.

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