Former ÖSV star also involved

Climate stickers block entrance to parliament

28.02.2024 09:44

Anyone wanting to enter the parliament building in Vienna on Wednesday morning first had to pass numerous climate activists. Sitting there, members of the Last Generation blocked the entrance - including a former ÖSV star.

It was the third day in a row that the Last Generation activists had launched a protest. After the so-called climate stickers had gathered in front of Schönbrunn Palace on Tuesday with a pile of dung to illustrate climate policy, the group blocked the entrance to Parliament on Wednesday. The plenary session of the National Council was taking place there.

Vod the parliament (Bild: Letzte Generation AT, Krone KREATIV)
Vod the parliament

Activist Windl also took part again
The members had positioned themselves in front of the entrance, not sticking, but sitting. At the front was the well-known activist Anja Windl. The climate activist was detained in the Josefstadt prison in November last year. The young woman was arrested during protests - once again in front of the parliament. At the time of the incident, she was suspected of causing serious damage to property.

The session of the National Council was nevertheless able to be held undisturbed. In a statement on Wednesday, the activists said: "After the federal government continued to ignore the climate council of the citizens and no party presented an election program suitable for survival, the Last Generation protested in front of parliament for a fundamental right to climate protection in the constitution."

Former ÖSV skier Julian Schütter also took part in the protest outside Parliament on Wednesday. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Former ÖSV skier Julian Schütter also took part in the protest outside Parliament on Wednesday.

In addition to Windl, there was another well-known face among the protesters: Former ÖSV skier Julian Schütter, who left his professional career behind just a few days ago, was also there. "I would like to grow old. But our government is leading us into the abyss with its eyes wide open. Because I can't stand idly by and because I firmly believe in democracy, I'm protesting to parliament today with the Last Generation to demand my right to survive," says the professional skier.

"Just look out of the window"
The action only became an issue relatively late in the plenary session itself. FPÖ security spokesman Hannes Amesbauer was outraged that "extremists" had wanted to attack parliament and that they had only found out about it through the media. In return, VP Secretary General Christian Stocker advised him to simply look out of the window.
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