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Go to the season finale of the Ski World Cup

29.02.2024 18:00

From March 16 to 24, the final of the Ski World Cup will take place in the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn and the crystal globes for the 2023/24 season will be awarded. For the first time, this event will take place over two weeks and you can be there live with the "Krone"! Find out what you need to do and how you can double your chances of winning here.

The World Cup crystal globes for winter 2023/24 will be awarded in March in the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn. The season finale, which spans two weeks for the first time in history, is also the big dress rehearsal for the 2025 World Ski Championships. "We will put together the World Cup puzzle, which we have prepared with a lot of love, for the first time at this finale," say Saalbach's World Cup Sports Director Bartl Gensbichler and World Cup Project Coordinator Florian Phleps and are confident about the coming year.

The Ski World Cup thrills thousands of fans every year. (Bild: Tourismusverband Saalbach Hinterglemm)
The Ski World Cup thrills thousands of fans every year.
(Bild: Tourismusverband Saalbach Hinterglemm)
Experience the unique alpine skiing landscape in Saalbach-Hinterglemm. (Bild: Tourismusverband Saalbach Hinterglemm)
Experience the unique alpine skiing landscape in Saalbach-Hinterglemm.

Looking forward to the World Ski Championships
The anticipation of the final and the World Championships is palpable for everyone involved. 34 years after the 1991 World Championships, the medal hunt will return to Saalbach. The motto "1 mountain - 11 races - 1 goal" guarantees compact title fights with short distances.

The schedule for the 2023/24 season finale

This year, the Ski World Cup finals will be split over two weeks. While the technical disciplines will be decided in the first week, the speed aces will compete for the crystal globe in the second week.

Technical week
March 16 - Men's giant slalom and women's slalom
March 17 - Men's slalom and women's giant slalom

Speed week
March 22 - Men's and women's super-G
March 23 - Women's downhill
March 24 - Men's downhill

You can find more information on the race program for the individual days HERE.

All competitions will take place on the 12er-Kogel. The official advance ticket sales have already started. Discount passes are currently available, which are valid for several days and races and are more attractively priced than individual tickets (on sale from fall). You can find more information about the 2025 World Ski Championships on the official website of the World Ski Championships in Saalbach-Hinterglemm.

World Championships Sports Director Bartl Gensbichler (left) and World Championships Project Coordinator Florian Phleps. (Bild: APA/EXPA/JOHANN GRODER)
World Championships Sports Director Bartl Gensbichler (left) and World Championships Project Coordinator Florian Phleps.

Bethere live with the "Krone"
With the "Krone" you can now be there live at the season finale. We are giving away two four-day stays at the "Glemm by AvenidA Hotel****"for two people each, including tickets, ski passes for the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn and goodies from the current Ski Austria collection, for the technical week (March 14 - 18) and the speed week (March 20 - 24). In addition, the winners will also receive a meeting with Austria's head coaches Marko Pfeifer (men) and Roland Assinger (women) as well as a backstage tour behind the scenes of the World Championship preparations.

You can also win exclusive goodies from the Ski-Austria collection such as this casual cap and... (Bild: Stefan Gapp)
You can also win exclusive goodies from the Ski-Austria collection such as this casual cap and...
...cool hoodies from the new collection. (Bild: Ski Austria / Spiess )
...cool hoodies from the new collection.

But that's not all! We are also giving away 28x2 tickets for one of the competitions during the big season finale. Simply select the desired prize in the form below and with a bit of luck you'll be able to see the ski aces live on site.

Want to increase your chances of winning? Then we have good news for all subscribers to the "Krone" sports newsletter and all those who subscribe until the closing date. With the "Krone" sports newsletter, you not only receive the most exciting information from the world of sport every day, you also double your chance of winning. The closing date for entries is March 7, 09:00. Further information and the conditions of participation can be found here.

The competition has ended. Thank you for your numerous entries.

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