Debate about Irish pub

Landlady strongly criticizes city politics

03.03.2024 09:00

Restaurateur Carmen Weyse accuses Oberwart's municipal leadership of a lack of interest in the interests of the citizens, ignorance and a lack of planning when it comes to the town center.

The Irish pub Tamdhu is not only on everyone's lips because of its huge range of beer and whisky. Next to the pub, which will soon be celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Neue Eisenstädter Siedlungsgenossenschaft wants to build a residential building with rental apartments. For around two years, pub owner Carmen Weyse has been pulling out all the stops to draw attention to the impending conflict between the nightclub and future tenants.

Landlady: "Thank you Mr. Mayor"
In her pub newspaper, the landlady takes issue with the municipal leadership under the title "Thank you, Mr. Mayor" and accuses city manager Georg Rosner of turning a blind eye and even allowing an additional storey in an exceptional permit together with his ÖVP parliamentary group and the votes of three SPÖ municipal councillors.

Noise barrier as a negotiated compromise
Despite some misconduct, the dust had actually already settled on the building project: a noise barrier was the negotiated compromise. Until that decision by the local council finally broke the camel's back with the landlady. As the building regulations do not provide for such a height of the residential building, the local council had to vote on it.

Main street as an economic driver of footfall
Despite all the landlady's appeals, the local council gave the green light with a majority decision. Weyse criticizes the noise protection wall, which was fought for, as it is designed for four storeys and accuses the city leadership of opposing a regional business. And that's not all: Weyse also calls on the city not to leave the main street to municipal housing construction. These places belong to the economy, because they bring in footfall, create jobs and make the city unique, worth seeing and experiencing.

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