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Barbara Schöneberger celebrates her 50th birthday

05.03.2024 08:54

Barbara Schöneberger loves to laugh. So much so that she had to be the first celebrity to leave the first season of "LOL-Last One Laughing". Laughing is strictly forbidden in the Amazon series. Even though "LOL" was unsuccessful for Schöneberger: On stage, the entertainer is all the more successful for it. She turned 50 on Tuesday.

Schöneberger is one of the best-known faces on German-language television. Her recognizable features include her big blue eyes, blonde mane and self-deprecating jokes - often about her own figure. She has two children, is married to an entrepreneur and lives in Berlin. It is difficult to get around the Munich native: She has hosted numerous galas and TV formats: the "NDR Talk Show" since 2008, for example, "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" for the past two years, "Die Starnacht am Wörthersee" and recently the German preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contest again.

In 2018, the online station "Barba Radio" was launched - including the radio talk show "Mit den Waffeln einer Frau", where Schöneberger regularly hosts celebrity guests. As a singer, she released her fourth album ("Eine Frau gibt Auskunft") a few years ago. And in 2015, the magazine "Barbara" was published, although it was discontinued in 2023 after the 77th issue.

Barbara Schöneberger has turned 50! (Bild: Hein Hartmann / Action Press /
Barbara Schöneberger has turned 50!

Multi-talent in the TV business for 25 years
Schöneberger is a multi-talent and has been in the TV business for around 25 years. Her breakthrough came with the talk show "Blondes Gift" (2001-2005), followed by many other formats. "Every year I thought to myself: It's crazy, it's still going. Somehow I didn't feel like I'd done anything for it," the presenter recently said in an interview with comedian Ilka Bessin ("Cindy aus Marzahn") on "Mit den Waffeln einer Frau".

"Der Spiegel" wrote in 2018 that Schöneberger is "the only entertainer on German television who can do everything." She remains confident during live TV mishaps, such as when the sound initially failed during her "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" premiere as a presenter. Her often unusual outfits are a talking point: for example, a dress printed with macarons during the ESC countdown from Liverpool in 2023. "Little macarons on my dress. A total of 21,000 calories," Schöneberger joked on camera.

She gives a foretaste of how she plans to celebrate her milestone birthday with a wink on Instagram. In a video there, she shows her preparations, for example a fictitious table arrangement with guests such as Barack Obama, model Heidi Klum, singer Andreas Bourani and the tooth fairy. Under the heading "live buffet", she has clear ideas about how the food should be delivered: "So that we don't have it on plates, the langoustines, but that it's on bodies."
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