Lungau before the elections

The young need a lot of patience in Tamsweg

06.03.2024 08:00

The topic of childcare is on the minds of many citizens in the market town. With a high density of young families, calls for better childcare facilities in the town are becoming louder and louder ahead of the elections.

"My son is now six years old and has started school. The expansion of the kindergarten in Tamsweg was already an issue when he was born. But nothing ever happened," a Tamsweg resident tells the "Krone" during a local inspection. She has to drive her younger son to neighboring Sauerfeld every morning before starting work. The boy no longer has a place at the local kindergarten.

"We are trying to offer all children whose main residence is Tamsweg, especially those with two working parents, a place in the local kindergarten," says ÖVP mayor Wolfgang Pfeifenberger. With too many children and a building that is simply too small, this is a difficult project.

Wolfgang Pfeifenberger (Bild: ROLAND HOLITZKY)
Wolfgang Pfeifenberger

Politicians realized years ago that a new building was needed. However, the plan has not yet materialized. There was supposedly a lack of suitable land in the village. "The aim is to build a new building in the next few years. This will be developed together with all political groups after the municipal elections and implemented promptly," promises the incumbent mayor.

Challenger Eduard Egger (FPÖ) would like to involve the citizens more actively in the location issue and conduct a public consultation. SPÖ candidate Helmut Steger is in favor of the Bröllsteig site.

Eduard Egger (Bild: FPÖ Salzburg)
Eduard Egger

Another issue that concerns the people of Tamsweg: Public transport connections could be improved. Some buses only run three times a day. And fuel is still a lot more expensive in Lungau than in the rest of the province.

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