"Let's Dance 2024"

Sophia Thiel lost 30 kilos and then put it back on again

07.03.2024 20:00

Fitness influencer Sophia Thiel is taking part in the new season of "Let's Dance". The 28-year-old became famous through fitness videos on YouTube. But then she suddenly withdrew from the public eye. When Thiel returned, she had changed a lot ...

In her youth, Sophia Thiel said she struggled with her weight.

"I hardly ate any more, sometimes fainted because of it and even had to repeat a class because my grades were so bad," she said in an interview with the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper. She felt very unwell.

Sophia Thiel lost 30 kilos
Then Sophia Thiel started lifting weights in the gym and changing her diet. At the age of 17, the "Let's Dance" participant weighed 80 kilos at 1.72 meters tall, lost around 30 kilos through sport and a changed diet and then put on ten kilos of muscle mass.

She presents herself on Instagram with a well-toned upper body and pronounced abdominal muscles, a so-called "six-pack". She took part in bodybuilding competitions and shared her story on social media. This made her one of the best-known fitness influencers in Germany almost overnight.

The 28-year-old took part in bodybuilding competitions and became one of Germany's best-known fitness influencers almost overnight. (Bild: Foto: RTL / Arya Shirazi)
The 28-year-old took part in bodybuilding competitions and became one of Germany's best-known fitness influencers almost overnight.

Thiel fell victim to the control mania
But while Sophia Thiel appeared to the outside world as a successful fitness influencer, in reality she continued to feel unwell. She had lost herself in a control mania, she told the Berliner Morgenpost. Although she had her dream body, she was unhappy. The pressure on social media was simply too much for her.

Sophia Thiel took some time out in 2019 and went into therapy. (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
Sophia Thiel took some time out in 2019 and went into therapy.

"Christmas, New Year's Eve, the turn of the year, all the holidays, sitting together and eating - that was the most difficult time of the year for me for almost ten years, I regularly lost control completely," the influencer told Bild.

She had binge eating and in 2019 she took a break for more than three years and went to therapy. Sophia Thiel was diagnosed with the eating disorder bulimia. Today, Sophia Thiel openly discusses her illness on social media and talks more about mental health.

This is how much the fitness influencer weighs now
Today, she has a healthier attitude towards her body and focuses primarily on her health and fitness.

At the beginning of 2022, she took her fans to the doctor for a fitness check-up and revealed her current weight. The doctor confirmed that her fat-to-muscle ratio was above average. At that time, Sophia Thiel's weight was 88.6 kilograms.

You can see Sophia Thiele and many other candidates twirling across the dance floor again on Friday at 20:15 on RTL.

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