Local inspection

After girl’s death: “Heard derisive laughter”

08.03.2024 06:00

After the horrific discovery of a dead girl (14) in the apartment of an Afghan in Vienna-Simmering, the "Krone" asked around in the neighborhood during a local inspection. The shock is great.

Ali A. (name changed) is a slight guy. At 1.70, he does not weigh more than 50 kilos. Neighbors in the apartment complex in Vienna-Simmering describe him as "inconspicuous". The 26-year-old Afghan is said to have never left his apartment before 11 am. This was also the case last Tuesday. Ali marched calmly into the inner courtyard of the cooperative building. "Showered, groomed, neatly dressed," says a neighbor in the "Krone" local newsroom.

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I was just about to drive away in my car at around 11.30 a.m. on Tuesday when the emergency services and police suddenly arrived. We only found out hours later that a girl had died. A tragedy.

Helmut Kadlec (57), Anrainer

He received the emergency team he had alerted himself because the woman in his apartment was only gasping when he woke up. He is said to have been neither frantic nor nervous. What the rescuers found behind door number 2 was a lifeless girl. Sandra (name changed) from Lower Austria, only 14 years old, as it later turned out. As reported, she had probably spent the night with the 26-year-old. He claims that she came to him at 1 am. Heavily intoxicated and under the influence of drugs or medication.

A 14-year-old girl died in this apartment building. (Bild: Klemens Groh)
A 14-year-old girl died in this apartment building.

Police are investigating a "serious death"
Ali A. says in the interrogation that he had sex with her. "Consensually" of course - and he claims to have known nothing about the fact that she was only 14 years old. Now Sandra is dead. The State Office of Criminal Investigation is investigating an "alarming death".

The Afghan (he arrived in the country with the wave of refugees in 2015, was granted subsidiary protection and is now legally in Austria with an alien's passport) is at large. On Wednesday afternoon, he returned to the rooms where a girl he had allegedly met "in the milieu" had died hours earlier. There was a note for him on the floor in front of door number 2: "She was only 14, you pig! You are guilty! Murderer!!!"

The man is not suspected of any crime - but the threatening messages from strangers outside his door are unmistakable. (Bild: Klemens Groh, Krone KREATIV)
The man is not suspected of any crime - but the threatening messages from strangers outside his door are unmistakable.

"He was laughing"
Ali A. should not be particularly shaken by these words, he denies any guilt. While the emergency doctor was still trying to bring Sandra back to life, the 26-year-old bummed a cigarette from the police officers in the courtyard. "He laughed," recalls a neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous. "I won't be able to get that mocking laugh out of my head."

Why Sandra had to die and what really happened that night will probably never be fully clarified. There are no eye or ear witnesses - only Ali A.

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