Last wishes fulfilled
“Just once more, before I’m dead …”
Have you ever thought about what your last wish on earth would be? No? No wonder: we all like to put off the subject of death. Seriously ill people can no longer do this: they have reached the point where the end is so present that there is hardly any time left to answer the question about their last wish. And this is usually actually quite small, as the "Rolling Angels" know: the association fulfills the heartfelt wishes of the dying.
"And what do you want to be when you grow up?" Florian Aichhorn once asked the ten-year-old son of a German vacationing family in a good mood in 2019. "Nothing," said the boy. Because if it had been up to the doctors' prognoses, the seriously ill child would have been dead by then. A moment of shock that gave rise to a truly good cause: the tour manager and former paramedic then founded the "Rolling Angels" association. Volunteers do their utmost to make the last wishes of seriously ill people come true.

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