Eye-catcher in the village
Welcome to the Stinatz Easter wonderland!
For Irene Konrad from Stinatz, Easter is the most beautiful holiday of the year. She has over a thousand scratched Easter eggs - and trees bearing eggs in her garden and living room.
You definitely can't miss it, the huge magnolia tree in the front garden of the pastel pink house on the main square in Stinatz. It is not only its magnificent blossoms that make it an eye-catcher, but also the many Easter eggs dangling from its branches in all sizes and colors. "For me, Easter is the most beautiful festival of the year because it is the festival of resurrection and gives hope for life after death. That's why I start sprucing up my house and garden for Easter on the second weekend of Lent," says Irene Konrad proudly.
The 79-year-old pensioner, who was once a jam cook at "Staud", has placed twelve Easter bunny figurines along the wall of the house, suggesting that there are more sweet surprises waiting in the living room. And indeed! Everywhere you look, there are vases with Easter bouquets, nests with colorful eggs, decorative geese and pastry boxes with Easter lambs, hens and bunnies. Konrad has baked and lovingly decorated over 70 of them herself for her three children, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and numerous relatives.
"But the best is waiting in here," says the widow and opens the door to her living room. Next to the sofa is an opulent Easter egg tree that reaches all the way to the ceiling. Konrad has tied the branches of the ornamental tree, which come from a plum tree, into a lush crown. "Many of the eggs hanging here were scratched by women who are already underground. To honor their work, I hang up the most beautiful specimens every year," she beams, proudly talking about the over 1,000 handmade specimens she has been collecting since 1978.
"Anyone who wants to can come and look at them, but I don't sell any," she says, gazing lovingly at the eggs depicting angels, Jesus, Joseph and Mary as well as the Stinatzer Kränzler couples - the name given to the young boys and girls who lead the procession at weddings.
But there are also scratched Rapid and Austria eggs to discover. The latter were made by Erika Stipsits, who scratched them for the Viennese professional soccer teams just this year. "She also made some for our Ozelot football team. But I particularly like the unique pieces made by our cantor Franz Grandits, who died 20 years ago. Incidentally, he was the only man in Stinatz who scratched eggs and usually immortalized images of saints on them."

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