Vienna, Lower Austria and Bgld
Missing and stray pets
The shock is great when a beloved pet suddenly disappears. We support you in your search and can publish your appeal here. Please send us a good photo, description of the animal and details of where the four-legged friend was last seen to If you have found a pet or have lost one, please be sure to report this (animal shelter, vet, police, "Krone" animal corner district authority) - otherwise you will be liable to prosecution!
Oliver, gray tomcat, shy, neutered, microchipped, has been sorely missing in 1020 Vienna since March 9. Special feature: Collar with GPS tracker - last signal Anton-Kummerer-Park, 1200 Vienna. Finder's fee: 200 euros. Please call 0699/190 575 63.
Who owns this well-groomed and trusting cat that was lost in a residential complex in Graz-Gösting on March 11? Please call 0676/842 417 434.
Merlin, black and white tomcat, very trusting, neutered, microchipped, is sorely missed in Lobau, 1220 Vienna. The owners are grateful for any information on 0699/126 200 78.
Finja, tricolored cat, chipped, shy, is sorely missed in 3250 Bodensdorf near Wieselburg. Please call 0664/252 19 48.
Simba, red and white tabby cat, long-haired, neutered, cuddly, is sorely missed in 3071 Reith. Please call 0680/141 41 90.
Charly the cat, neutered, blue collar with his name and his owner's telephone number, did not return home after his morning walk on January 14 in 3133 Traismauer.
For information please call 0660/701 72 34.
In 2151 Asparn/Zaya, the light gray tiger cat Surprise is sorely missed. She is two years old and very cuddly. Finder's fee: Euro 200,-. Please call 0664/437 49 69 or 0664/233 99 80.
Bernese mountain dog Lilli, pink collar, ran away on January 14th from the parking lot at Semmering, Zauberberg, in the direction of the cross-country ski trail. She was spotted at Am Dürrgraben, then at the beginning of Baustraße and finally in Fröschnitz. For information please call 0664/910 17 07.
Joker, German Pinscher, chipped and registered, very shy, collar in jeans look, escaped on 09.11. 2024 in the forest area at the Panoramaweg of 2752 Steinabrückl. Please do not try to catch him if you see him. Please call 0676/955 63 62 for information.
Simba, red and white tabby, white flea band, went with his owner in the trailer to Neunkirchen on December 16, 2024 and then ran away. The long-haired cat was last seen near the Bundesstraße 17. The owners are grateful for any information on 0680/155 58 05 or 0650/838 77 66.
Asti, black tomcat, microchipped, is sorely missed in 7342 Kaisersdorf. Please call 0660/324 37 15.
Cat Lia, tabby with white fur, neutered, microchipped and registered, four years old, escaped on 7.12.2024 in Wehrgasse in 2351 Wiener Neudorf. Finder's fee: 100 euros. Please call 0664 3459734 for information.
Simba, male cat, not chipped, is missing in 2051 Zellnerdorf. Special features: gray spot on his belly and left paw, white line across his left eye. For information please call 0650/914 84 61 or 0676/944 47 43.
Chuma, black Maine-Coon male cat, chipped, registered, neutered, has been sorely missing since December 21 in 2136 Laa an der Thaya. For information please call 0664/396 54 87.
Pauli has been missing since December 17, 2024 in 2214 Auersthal. He is two and a half years old and neutered, but not chipped. The tiger cat has a small wound on the right side of his neck. He limps because his left leg is shorter, which is why he can't jump well. He has a small white spot on his front left paw. Finder's fee: 150 euros. Please call 0660/278 53 48 with any information.
Female dog DeeDee, neutered, microchipped, escaped from the dog zone in Puchbergerstraße, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, on December 14. Special feature: turquoise coat. Finder's fee: 1000 euros. For information please call 0676/96 20 146 or 0676/47 47 225.
Foster dog Ontario, neutered, microchipped, has run away in 3386 Hafnerbach. Special characteristics: Safety harness, very anxious. For information please call 0676/ 622 82 41.
Tomcat Nils, three years old, neutered, has been sorely missing in 3052 Innermanzing since November 2, 2024. Please call 0676/749 49 05 for information.
Simba, brown-black tabby tomcat, neutered, is sorely missed in 7083 Purbach. Special feature: turquoise collar with pendant. The owners are grateful for any information on 0676/707 19 77.
Fanny, Parson-Russel-Terrier female, black collar, four years old, escaped on September 20th at Eisenerzer Reichenstein in Styria. It is assumed that the dog is now in Lower Austria. The owners are grateful for any information on 0664/434 80 13
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