Mattersburg celebrates:

A big reception for the World Cup winner Mörz

14.03.2024 17:00

Where Charlize Mörz started out in gymnastics, in the gym at the Mühlgasse kindergarten in Mattersburg, the World Cup leader will be given a big welcome after her historic triumph in Baku on Friday, 15 March at 6.30 pm.

A triumph that has shaken up the life of the 18-year-old, who trains at the national base in Linz and also goes to school there, at least for a short time. "Charlize first has to learn to deal with all the hype," says her father Michael Mörz. Normally it's just the local media that are interested in her sporting activities.

An interview request even came from the USA

Suddenly, however, the Mattersburg native, who was the first Austrian woman ever to win a gymnastics World Cup with her victory on the floor and thus secure her Olympic ticket, is confronted with numerous interview requests - from the gymnastics stronghold of Vorarlberg, and even from the USA...

Charlize Mörz already has her Olympic ticket for Paris in the bag. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Charlize Mörz already has her Olympic ticket for Paris in the bag.

Invitation from the ÖFB to the international match

A VIP invitation from the ÖFB for the international match against Turkey also arrived. "The last time I was in a soccer stadium was in 2014," smiles Charlize, "at my dad's farewell from SVM." He also played 12 times for Austria. But now she is the sports star of the family - in addition to all of Mattersburg's young gymnasts, for whom Charlize is of course the best role model, representatives from the city and state will also congratulate her today. Like Provincial Councillor for Sport Heinrich Dorner: "I congratulate Charlize Mörz on this sensational result and wish her all the best for the Olympics. The sporting province of Burgenland is proud of its world-class gymnast!"

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