Better protection for victims

Plakolm wants stricter rules for criminal record excerpts

19.03.2024 19:00

State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP) is calling for stricter rules for the extended criminal record extract. In future, the extended criminal record extract should be just as accessible as the "normal" criminal record extract. "To protect victims and not offenders", as Plakolm explains.

A "Krone" story made waves in mid-February. An actor and presenter, who also worked as a freelancer with a well-known Viennese theater, was alleged to have initiated sexual contact with boys from a choir in Vienna. There was a raid - and charges were brought! The presumption of innocence applies, but potential cases like this should be prevented as far as possible.

This can be done through prevention and, in concrete terms, also by tightening up criminal records. Once an offense has been expunged, it no longer appears on the criminal record. However, if you have tortured elderly or disabled people, for example, or committed crimes against children, "only" a note remains in the so-called "extended criminal record extract", which you only receive from the authorities if your employer confirms that you mainly deal with these vulnerable groups.

State Secretary Plakolm calls for new rules for the extended criminal record extract. (Bild: Harald Dostal Krone KREATIV,)
State Secretary Plakolm calls for new rules for the extended criminal record extract.

"More straightforward access" required
"This protects offenders", say critics. Among them is ÖVP State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm. She is now calling for this "hurdle" to be removed and for the extended criminal record extract to soon be just as accessible as the criminal record extract. "Access must become less complicated, we need security as a society. If someone has abused elderly people or children, it must be quickly visible to employers and associations. I don't want to give perpetrators the chance to repeat their disgusting acts," she explains.

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