"Nerve was cut"

Lienhart sees himself on the right track after surgery!

19.03.2024 17:45

Philipp Lienhart is the constant in the defense of the Austrian national soccer team. The Freiburg international has started all eight of his most recent international matches. Just in time for the first ÖFB camp of the year, the 27-year-old returned from a lengthy groin problem - not insignificant in view of David Alaba's possible absence from the European Championship. "Now it's just important that I get my strength back," said Lienhart in Marbella.

The Lower Austrian only made a half-hour comeback on Sunday in the league against leaders Leverkusen (2:3). Two months ago, he had to undergo an operation due to nerve irritation in his right groin. The surrounding muscles had reacted strongly. "The nerve was cut, it's not causing any more problems for the time being," Lienhart said with a grin. Nobody had expected such a protracted injury in December. "We tried everything, but it never really stabilized." For safety reasons, the defender will have to forgo playing golf with his colleagues at the "La Quinta Golf & Country Club", where the ÖFB team is staying in Andalusia. Michael Gregoritsch holds up the Freiburg flags; according to his colleagues, the striker is the most talented ÖFB player with a golf club.


"I've already noticed that the break was relatively long!"
Lienhart has been back in team training for around three weeks. What's missing is match practice. "I've already noticed that the break was relatively long." Short appearances on Saturday in the test in Slovakia or on Tuesday in Vienna against Turkey could help. A new defensive duo needs to be found before the EURO. In the absence of the cruciate ligament injured Alaba, Kevin Danso seems to be the first choice - even if team boss Ralf Rangnick always preferred Lienhart to the Lens legionnaire in the fall. Replacing Alaba's qualities one-to-one is not possible, Lienhart emphasized. "But I'm still convinced that whoever plays has a lot of quality."

They will also need that quality to hold their own against France and the Netherlands at the European Championship in Germany. "It's a very exciting group, there aren't many more difficult ones on paper," said Lienhart. "But if we bring our quality to the pitch like we did against Germany (2:0 in the test in November/note), we have to beat them first." He himself wants to play his part and get back to 100 percent as quickly as possible. "It's not just about the European Championship, I also want to help my club in the Bundesliga."

(Bild: GEPA pictures)

"I think it's a great, great pity that Streich is quitting!"
Lienhart has played in Freiburg since 2017 and will have a new head coach for the first time in the summer. The era of cult coach Christian Streich is coming to an end after more than twelve years. Streich announced his departure at the end of the season to his players in the dressing room after the Leverkusen game. All the players and members of the coaching staff had spontaneously applauded the long-term coach. "It was already clear that it would happen one day. But it still feels strange somehow," said Lienhart. Streich is an extraordinary coach. "I think it's a great, great pity that he's quitting. I really enjoyed working with him. He has shaped the club over the years, including me as a player."

Since Streich took over the club, a steady development can be seen. "The great quality he has is that he doesn't just assess the footballer, he also sees the person behind it everywhere," said Lienhart about the 58-year-old. "He shows great interest in the player, which helps." The big shoes to fill could be filled by successor favorite Julian Schuster, a man who already works at the club. As a liaison coach between the professionals and youngsters, the 38-year-old is close to the team, explained Lienhart. In his first year at Freiburg, he played together with Schuster as captain. "He has a lot of experience as a player. He was already a real strategist on the pitch back then," said Lienhart, praising his former colleague. "Let's see which way the decision goes."

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