National awards

A well-deserved honor for dedicated people

20.03.2024 17:10

On St. Joseph's Day, Governor Markus Wallner (ÖVP) honored deserving Vorarlberg citizens for their special achievements. What they all have in common is that they have given something to society.

As is well known, St. Joseph is the patron saint of Vorarlberg. It has been a tradition for many years to honor deserving citizens on St. Joseph's Day - as was the case on Tuesday evening. A total of twelve awards were presented during a festive ceremony in the Montfort Hall of the Landhaus.

Six personalities were honored with the most important award, the Grand Decoration of Merit of the Province:

Martina Mätzler has managed the Riefensberg Juppenwerkstatt since it opened in 2003, putting all her energy into preserving the Glanzjuppe and documenting the closely guarded secret of its production. Thanks to her initiative, the Bregenzerwald Juppentracht was recognized as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in Austria in 2021.

Marie-Rose Rodewald-Cerha has been a volunteer at the Theater am Saumarkt since 1986 and has been a board member for 23 years. As curator of the literature program, she has initiated a great deal. Her "babies" include the "Feldkirch Literature Days" and the "Feldkirch Poetry Prize" as well as the associated "Feldkirch Poetry Prize Festival".

Open youth work in Dornbirn and open youth work in the state are inextricably linked to Martin Hagen, who has made a number of pioneering achievements in this field.

Martin Hagen with Markus Wallner. (Bild: VLK/Serra)
Martin Hagen with Markus Wallner.

Christian Natter was mayor of Wolfurt for over 14 years. During his time in office, the municipality developed into an attractive and future-oriented residential and living space with a diversified economy.

Peter Neier was mayor of the municipality of Nüziders from 2006 to 2023, during which time he initiated and implemented a number of important projects for the development of the municipality.

Dietmar Nigsch 's cultural commitment has had a lasting impact on the independent theater and cultural scene in Vorarlberg: in 1988, Dietmar Nigsch founded the Projekttheater Vorarlberg, which he took over as director in 1989. The biennial cultural festival "Walserherbst", founded by Dietmar Nigsch, has been taking place in the Großes Walsertal biosphere reserve since 2004. Many culture lovers consider the "Walserherbst" to be one of the best festivals in the entire German-speaking region.

Without Dietmar Nigsch, cultural life in Vorarlberg would be much poorer. (Bild: VLK/Serra)
Without Dietmar Nigsch, cultural life in Vorarlberg would be much poorer.

Ingrid Härle, who has been a volunteer in the Catholic Women's Movement since 1986, Renate Moosbrugger for her outstanding commitment to fruit and garden culture and the passionate wind musician Helmut Geist, who was district bandmaster for twelve years, were awarded the "State Medal of Merit".

The three police officers Sara Giorgia de Filippo, Jaqueline Schwendinger and Mario Hörburger were awarded "rescue medals". The trio saved two people from a burning house at the risk of their own lives. Chapeau!

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