Trial in Feldkirch

Shot at acquaintance with gas pistol

22.03.2024 10:10

A neighborhood dispute in Bludenz escalated. A man with several previous convictions shot at an uninvited guest without warning. He had to answer in court for attempted aggravated coercion and violation of the Weapons Act.

"You know that you are subject to a firearms ban, don't you?" asked Judge Silke Sandholzer of the early retiree with 22 previous convictions, whose criminal and drug-ridden past is written all over his face. The 37-year-old tried to dismiss the previous convictions with the following words: "Yes, I was just young and stupid."

However, the early retiree still doesn't seem to have wised up. After all, he has now been charged with aggravated coercion. He has also violated the Weapons Act. The fact that he is facing an aggravated sentence of up to seven and a half years in prison this time due to his long criminal record at least gives the man from Oberland a moment to swallow.

The case itself: Assuming that his girlfriend was staying with the accused, the 30-year-old acquaintance showed up outside his apartment on January 25. The other party doesn't hesitate for long, pulls out a gas pistol and shoots the uninvited guest on the run. The victim presses charges.

No shots fired, just waving the gun around
"I didn't shoot him, I just put my hand through the blinds and waved the gun," claims the accused. The living target on the witness stand denied this and maintained that he had been shot at by the accused.

Due to some contradictions in the victim's statements, the Ms. Rat found the pistolero guilty of attempted aggravated coercion and violation of the Weapons Act - 24 months in prison. The verdict is not final.

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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