Cabaret prize in Graz

The birds land with the funny misanthrope

24.03.2024 15:00

The Kleinkunstvogel was awarded for the 38th time in Graz on Saturday. The cabaret prize for young talent has already boosted the careers of Michael Mittermeier and Paul Pizzera. On Saturday, both the jury bird and the "Steirerkrone" audience bird landed in Thomas Gassner's lap.

Thomas Gassner almost didn't make it in time for his performance at the final of the Kleinkunstvogel on Saturday at the Theatercafé in Graz. Born in Tyrol, he was stuck in a traffic jam on his way to Styria - but perhaps it was this mishap that gave the self-confessed misanthrope the final kick for his performance. "You know, I just don't like people," he admits honestly.

"Nobody can cancel me"
And he makes no distinction in his hatred - between straight and gay, for example, or between German and foreigners. He hates "toxic masculinity" just as much as "botoxic femininity". With such verbal subtleties, the Tyrolean makes his way through the minefield of political correctness in his 15-minute finale, always certain of one thing: "Nobody can cancel me, because I don't care about anyone."

Radiant winner: Thomas Gassner (Bild: Christoph Hartner)
Radiant winner: Thomas Gassner

With this convincing mix of smart wordplay and cheeky impudence, Gassner was able to win over both the audience and the jury. The result: both the "Kleinkunstvogel" and the "Steirerkrone" audience bird landed in his lap this year: "That's a joke now, isn't it?" was his first reaction.

Prevailed against strong competition
After all, this double win means something, because the final with a total of six participants was more than well-staffed: Niccolo Loro Ravenni, for example, enchanted the audience with his Italian charm and determination to become an exemplary "Austriaco". Gerald Markovic, on the other hand, fabulously fabulated his way through the districts of Graz and explained why he doesn't actually want to live in any of them. Tare skillfully played with the clichés about his origins - his mother is from Schladming, his father from Africa, so there is double reason to laugh about prejudices. Weilich J. Grossbin, on the other hand, skillfully rhymed his way through his midlife crisis. And the duo Coleija not only packed a humorous reckoning with alpha males into their songs, but also socially critical tones about the fate of an alcoholic mother.

It is therefore quite possible that several of this year's Kleinkunstvogel finalists will end up regularly on the cabaret stages of this country in the future. In any case, Thomas Gassner's victory has already secured him a three-day series of shows at the Theatercafé in Graz this autumn. Congratulations!

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