Fit for "FUBAR 2"

Schwarzenegger shows off his “pacemaker”

29.03.2024 08:09

Arnold Schwarzenegger was fitted with a pacemaker in mid-March. The "Terminator" star has now thanked his fans on Instagram - with a funny picture.

At the beginning of the week, Schwarzenegger revealed that he had been fitted with a pacemaker on March 18. Now the "Styrian Oak" has contacted his fans to thank them for their numerous wishes for his recovery.

Schwarzenegger fit for "FUBAR 2"
"Thank you! I've received so many lovely messages from all over the world," the 76-year-old wrote in his post - and immediately dispelled his fans' concerns that the second season of the Netflix series "FUBAR" could now be shaky after the operation.

"Many people have asked if my pacemaker will cause problems with 'FUBAR 2'," the actor and former governor of California continued. "Absolutely not. I'll be ready to shoot in April."

Arnie shows "pacemaker"
You can only see his pacemaker "if you're really looking for it" anyway, Arnie joked, referring to the picture he posted to accompany his message.

In the funny snapshot, the "Terminator" star also shows his "pacemaker" - but the part, which is fixed to Schwarzenegger's chest and connected to his ear with a red cable, looks more like a Looney Tunes version of a time bomb than a medical device.

"A little more machine"
Earlier this week, Schwarzenegger revealed in his podcast "Arnolds' Pump Club" that he had been fitted with a pacemaker last week. A few days after the procedure, he had already appeared again at an environmental event and nobody had noticed anything, said the Hollywood star.

"I feel great," assured the 76-year-old. And: he's a bit more of a machine now, the "Terminator" star grinned.

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