Bundesliga in the ticker

LASK against Austria Klagenfurt from 14.30 LIVE

31.03.2024 05:00

Round 24 of the domestic Bundesliga: LASK face Austria Klagenfurt. We report live (ticker below). The score is currently 0:0.

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A full 15 weeks after their last win to date, LASK have their next chance to break out of their success vacuum today at home to Austria Klagenfurt. Despite their dry spell, the Linzers were able to hold on to third place in the Bundesliga for a long time, but this is now looking shaky in view of the tight standings. They are in danger of dropping back to fifth place, and goal scorer Robert Zulj is also questionable.

Robert Zulj (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Robert Zulj

Eight competitive games without a win, five times in a row without scoring: LASK have struggled in recent weeks, but failed to break free in the opening match of the Champions League at Rapid (0-0). Behind LASK (18) lurk Grün-Weiß, Klagenfurt and Hartberg with 17 points each, a "three-pointer" is slowly becoming a must. After all, the Carinthians are a kind of favorite opponent, whom they have defeated four times in the eight games since Klagenfurt's promotion in 2021 with four draws.

Sageder: "We have made a variety of offers to players"
LASK coach Thomas Sageder is concerned about the fitness of goalkeeper Robert Zulj. The captain, who has already missed several games in 2024 due to illness, injury or suspension, did not fully recover from his knee injury during the international break, but the nine-time goalscorer could at least be back in the squad. He saved a point for LASK in the 92nd minute of the recent 2-2 draw between the two teams with his second goal of the evening - it was to be the Athletiker's last goal to date. "He's on a good path, improving from day to day. But it's not so easy to predict when he'll be available again," emphasized Sageder.

Thomas Sageder (Bild: GEPA pictures, Photohop)
Thomas Sageder

During the international break, the team celebrated a 1:0 test victory over German third-division side 1860 Munich. "We gave the players a variety of opportunities to gain confidence that we can also score goals in other ways," said Sageder. One of these ways was through set pieces, such as Felix Luckeneder's corner against the "Sechzger". Mental adjustments were also made. "We tried to convey to the young attacking players in particular that this is also an opportunity for them. For example, we showed them their best moves to give them the necessary ease."

Klagenfurt out to make amends
This will be necessary in order to put Klagenfurt, who are (according to Sageder) "very unpleasant to play against", in their place. Even if they got off to the worst possible start in the championship group with a 4-0 defeat at Sturm Graz. "The way the game went annoyed us. But we analyzed the mistakes and certainly learned from them," said Klagenfurt defender Till Schumacher, whose team were 3-0 down after just 23 minutes. They could only dream of Storm's efficiency, but at least goalkeeper Sinan Karweina is now back.

Sinan Karweina (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Sinan Karweina

The German is the league's top scorer with ten goals, but he has missed the last three games with a muscle injury and has not scored since. There is a difference "when you have two young lads like us in there, or two class strikers like Sturm", as coach Peter Pacult put it recently.

Now it should work out at LASK, just like - almost - at the beginning of February. "We came close to a three-pointer in Linz in the basic round," recalled Schumacher. "We're going there to take something countable with us." After all, Violett want more this time after two sixth places in the previous seasons. "It would be absolute nonsense if we were to settle for sixth place," said captain Thorsten Mahrer.

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