During filming

Ofczarek goes into raptures: “Likes Burgenland”

31.03.2024 16:00

"Burgenland tourism, the third!" After Wine 2022 and Enjoyment 2023, this year the focus of the exciting marketing is on Pannonian cultural diversity, brilliantly staged by castle actor Nicholas Ofczarek, as in the two previous years. He "beams" his way through the script. Camera rolling!

The brand ambassador for the Pannonian way of life is a guarantee for extraordinary moments. For the first two campaigns, Burgenland Tourism won a series of advertising awards. Five Veneres amazed at the CCA Award 2023, Austria's most important creative prize. "The Wines of Burgenland" was the most successful campaign of the year with this concentrated load of awards.

The highlight 2024
Work is now underway on the next surprise. The "Krone" was allowed to take a look behind the scenes in advance. The sets will showcase magical venues, from the Mörbisch lake stage to Tabor Castle, from the opera in the St. Margarethen quarry to the stage in Kobersdorf, from Güssing Castle to Esterházy Castle and the Liszt Hall in Raiding.

Filming has already taken place with Güssing Castle as an idyllic backdrop. (Bild: Burgenland Tourismus/Nast)
Filming has already taken place with Güssing Castle as an idyllic backdrop.

Only this much can be revealed for now: Ofczarek goes into a cultural frenzy at the witty artistic diversity of Burgenland. He has an almost galactic marvel of nature in his hands, which "beams" him from one fascinating scene to the next.

Positive response
"The result should once again be spectacular and cause a sensation," says Wein-Burgenland Chairman Herbert Oschep, initiator of the cooperation with the castle actor, describing his impressions of the shoot. "Our creative concept is once again very bold, artistic and, thanks to Niki Ofczarek, terrific," says Tourism Managing Director Didi Tunkel.

"The commercials will be pretty spectacular," says Oschep, looking forward to working with Ofczarek. (Bild: Burgenland Tourismus/Nast)
"The commercials will be pretty spectacular," says Oschep, looking forward to working with Ofczarek.

Tension rises
"I just really like Burgenland. Even in the third year of working together, I'm discovering one gem after another," admits Ofczarek. "Now it's off to the studio for the final cut," announces Kurt Kaiser, mastermind of the campaign. The commercials will be presented in Vienna at the beginning of May, followed by the launch. It will be exciting!

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