300 bodies found

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01.04.2024 09:12

Around two weeks after the start of the military operation in Shifa Hospital in the city of Gaza, the Israeli army withdrew again on Monday night. The military announced that the troops had left the area again after a "precise operational activity".

According to the Civil Defense, which is controlled by the Islamist Hamas, around 300 bodies were found in and around the hospital.

According to Israel, the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas had once again set up fighting and command positions in the extensive area, after the Israeli military had already stormed the hospital last November. At the weekend, the Israeli air force had fired on a total of around 80 Hamas positions in the Gaza coastal strip.

Extremists entrenched in hospital
The army operation against the extremists entrenched in Shifa Hospital in the city of Gaza in the north of the coastal strip also continued until Sunday evening. According to reports, people were killed in several buildings of the hospital and the military spoke of terrorists.

In a stairwell, soldiers had engaged in a chase and exchange of fire with armed and high-ranking members of Hamas, killing them in the process. The army also found hidden weapons in the maternity ward of the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip. Grenades, explosive devices and rifles were found in cushions, ceilings and walls.

Much criticism of Israel's actions
Israel accuses the Islamist Hamas of systematically misusing medical facilities for military purposes. Hamas rejects this. In view of the dire humanitarian situation and the many civilian victims in the Gaza Strip, there is much international criticism of the actions of the Israeli military.

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