Explosive research

So the Kremlin is behind the microwave attack after all

01.04.2024 17:44

International research has uncovered a new approach to the so-called Havana syndrome: According to this, microwave weapons from the Russian military intelligence service GRU could be responsible for stabbing headaches and other symptoms. For a long time, US intelligence services did not believe that there was a trace abroad.

Mysterious symptoms such as headaches, hearing loss, dizziness and nausea, which US diplomats living in the Cuban capital Havana and their relatives complained about from 2016, are summarized as "Havana syndrome". Those affected stated that the symptoms began after hearing a strange noise or feeling strong pressure in their head. Similar reports were later received from other places around the world, including Vienna.

"Patient Zero" probably not in Havana, but in the heart of Europe
The new theory was put forward by "Spiegel", "The Insider" and "60 Minutes". According to the research, the phenomenon is older than previously known: The first cases are said to have occurred as early as 2014 in the German financial metropolis of Frankfurt. These were ignored by the US government, according to one of those affected.

Frankfurt am Main, a stomping ground for bankers - and for agents? (Bild: GTA Touristik, zVG)
Frankfurt am Main, a stomping ground for bankers - and for agents?

Mysterious GRU unit 29155
The Russian military intelligence service GRU could be behind the attacks, according to a "Spiegel" report. According to travel and telephone data, members of the GRU unit with the code name 29155 were on site during many of the attacks that resulted in the "Havana syndrome", according to the research team's findings. Specifically, electromagnetic or acoustic weapons may have been used.

Russian agents also had Vienna on their flight plan
According to the report, Vienna was also included in the agents' flight plans. US media had reported cases of "Havana syndrome" at the US embassy in Vienna in mid-2021. The federal capital is considered a hub for intelligence activities, but also for informal exchanges.

Russia: "Groundless accusations"
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected the reports on Monday. The issue is not new and there have been accusations against Russia from the very beginning, said Peskov according to Reuters. No one had yet published convincing evidence for these "baseless accusations".

US intelligence agencies did not believe in the Russia trail last year
A US intelligence investigation, the findings of which became public in spring last year, had concluded that it was "highly unlikely" that a "foreign adversary" was responsible for the diplomats' complaints. However, there was still no plausible explanation for the cases, US media reported at the time.

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