Controls stepped up

Action clamped down on German cannabis tourists

01.04.2024 21:16

On 1 April - no joke - the German government legalized the consumption of marijuana. Austria's police are focusing on controls.

"It smells funny here, that's because - we smoke weed. And sometimes the police come - we smoke weed." With these moderately sophisticated lyrics, the German TV juggernaut Stefan Raab stormed the charts back in 2001. In Austria, the rather annoying number "Wir kiffen" climbed to number 4.

Extensive legalization in Germany
The difference to back then: in Germany, the police will no longer come for it. Since 1 April, our neighbors have legalized cannabis products - with restrictions. Specifically, cannabis was removed from the Narcotics Act and taken off the list of banned substances. Possession, consumption and cultivation of the drug (for personal use) are permitted for people aged 18 and over. Consumption is prohibited in the presence of children and young people, during the day in pedestrian zones, on playgrounds and sports grounds and within sight of schools and kindergartens.

The neighbor's "grass" always seems greener
Austrians who also like to smoke the odd joint are now looking enviously across the northern border. The possible legalization of cannabis has already been discussed in this country too, but there is currently no political majority for it. For young people in particular, the "gateway drug" would pose physical and psychological dangers, as numerous studies have shown.

Priority campaigns at German borders
Instead, the police are now preparing for the illegal import of cannabis products from Germany. The provincial police directorates of Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg have announced priority campaigns, particularly in the regions close to the border.

The police will carry out more checks, especially in areas close to the border, and consistently take narcotics and drug drivers out of circulation, says Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP). (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
The police will carry out more checks, especially in areas close to the border, and consistently take narcotics and drug drivers out of circulation, says Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP).

The main focus will be on drug drivers: getting high legally in Germany and then quickly returning home is not the way it should be. The mayors of some border towns are hoping - in order to gain something positive from the case - that the black market will be pushed back.

30 grams of marijuana in the glove compartment: first stop in Tyrol
In Scharnitz, Tyrol, an Austrian driver coming from Germany was stopped on the Easter weekend with almost 30 grams of marijuana in his glove compartment - he will not be the last.

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