Hot for Germany

With thick friendship into the “challenge”

02.04.2024 15:00

It will be a very special Friday for Vienna team stalwarts Verena Hanshaw and Virginia Kirchberger, who were bitterly knocked out in the German Cup semi-final with Frankfurt, as they face their eternal soccer home, Germany, at the start of the European Championship qualifiers in Linz.

They have known each other since the age of 13, were together in the Vienna selection, in the LAZ and are now back at the same club, Frankfurt.

The 30-year-old ex-Landhaus girls Verena Hanshaw and Virginia Kirchberger are one thing above all: great friends! "We're really tight, it's impossible to imagine life without each other," says Hanshaw - Kirchberger: "Verena is already part of the family. It's nice when you get on so well and can understand what you're sacrificing."

Verena Hanshaw (left) and Virginia Kirchberger are close friends. (Bild: Privat)
Verena Hanshaw (left) and Virginia Kirchberger are close friends.

For the team and defensive pillars, who have been in camp in Windischgarsten since Monday, the European Championship qualifier starts on Friday in Linz against Germany, their eternal soccer home. Hanshaw, who joined Herforder SV at the age of 16: "The anticipation is huge. We saw in the European Championship quarter-finals that we can play really well against the Germans and cause them problems." Kirchberger, who also went to Bayern II when she was 16: "It's going to be really cool! Even if the Germans are the favorites: We're very motivated, looking forward to this challenge and want to annoy them."

Just like with Frankfurt in the German Cup semi-final away to Bayern (Sarah Zadrazil was absent due to muscle problems, Kathi Naschenweng was out injured, both are missing from the team). After 120 minutes the score was 1:1, the penalty shoot-out was lost 1:3 because only ÖFB team winger Babsi Dunst scored. Hanshaw, substituted in the 113th minute: "Very bitter and annoying! It's not the first time we've failed to capitalize on being the better team." For Kirchberger, substituted in minute 79: "We were close. It could have been a huge success, but we couldn't deliver the result."

Manuela Zinsberger celebrated the League Cup title with Arsenal. (Bild: Action Images via Reuters)
Manuela Zinsberger celebrated the League Cup title with Arsenal.

In contrast to team goalkeeper Manuela Zinsberger, who won the English League Cup with Arsenal (Laura Wienroither was a substitute) - 1:0 in extra time against Chelsea! And that after a shock: Frida Maanum collapsed in the final. Arsenal announced: "Frida is conscious and stable." Chelsea coach Emma Hayes accused opposite number Jonas Eidevall of "male aggression" for "smacking" her player Erin Cuthbert during a throw-in.

Back to the ÖFB team: 6000 tickets for the Raiffeisen Arena in Linz were already sold out at the start of the week. Hanshaw and Kirchberger: "We're looking forward to lots of fans and a great crowd."

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