Title hunt begins

Large blue light contingent on the Golm slopes

03.04.2024 07:25

What else do cross-country skier Teresa Stadlober and slalom specialist Johannes Strolz have in common apart from their medals at the 2022 Olympics in Beijing? That's right! Both are top police athletes and have entered for the Austrian Police Championships, which are due to take place today and tomorrow on the Golm in Montafon, Vorarlberg.

Also taking part: ÖSV aces Kathi Huber, Kathi Truppe, Stefan Babinsky, Riccarda and Raphael Haaser, Patrick Feurstein, as well as para-athletes Elisabeth and Veronika Aigner. While the alpine athletes will be competing for the titles on Außergolm, the Nordic athletes - in addition to cross-country skiing, there will also be a pistol biathlon on the program - will be battling it out on Matschwitz. There will also be two decisions in ski mountaineering.

Johannes Strolz has been a police athlete since September 1, 2014. (Bild: krone.tv)
Johannes Strolz has been a police athlete since September 1, 2014.

Slalom comeback for Feurstein
"It's always great to meet the police athletes from the other disciplines," says Patrick Feurstein, who is looking forward to the competitions. A special highlight: the 27-year-old from Mellau will not only be competing in his special discipline of giant slalom today (10), but also in the slalom on Thursday. "The last time I did the slalom was two years ago at the national championships in Schruns," recalls Feurstein. "But I only managed ten gates back then."

Susanne Moll (center) was appointed the new commander of the Lech police station on 1 January 2024. (Bild: Landespolizeidirektion Vorarlberg)
Susanne Moll (center) was appointed the new commander of the Lech police station on 1 January 2024.

Moll and Berthold also involved
But not only active ÖSV athletes will be at the start in Montafon. Former athletes have also announced their participation. For example, ex-snowboard crosser Susanne Moll - now commander of the Lech police station - will be there as a skier. Former speed specialist and ski cross racer Fredi Berthold, who ended his career in spring 2022, has also signed up and will try his hand at both the giant slalom and slalom.

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