Upheaval at Bayern

Poker opened! Eberl wants to save on salaries

03.04.2024 09:50

Those responsible at FC Bayern have taken a close look at the salaries of their players. Sporting director Max Eberl now wants to cut the top earners in particular. This can also be felt in the current contract negotiations.

For the record champions - unless they triumph in the Champions League - it has been a disastrous season in sporting terms. But the image that the club is currently presenting to the outside world is also damaging its reputation. That is why Eberl and Co. now want to initiate a radical change, as reported by "Sport Bild".

While the search for a coach is in full swing behind the scenes, the players' salaries are also being scrutinized. Too many top earners are underperforming. The days of high guaranteed basic salaries should therefore be over in Munich. Players such as Leroy Sane, Serge Gnabry and Joshua Kimmich, who earn around 20 million euros, are being scrutinized.

Davies negotiations as a message
The contract negotiations with Alphonso Davies should send a message to all players. The Canadian is apparently demanding an annual salary of around 20 million euros. This is not an option for those responsible at Bayern, which is why they recently issued an ultimatum to Davies.

The 23-year-old's advisor reacted indignantly and yet the new line is emerging. Although an agreement is still possible after the ultimatum expires, it will not be on the terms demanded by the defender under pressure. If the player wants to remain in Munich, he must accept Bayern's offer, which is said to be in the region of 12 to 13 million euros. Bayern bosses also want to take a close look at his further performances and withdraw the offer in this form if he performs poorly.

Sane and then Kimmich to follow
In view of the many upcoming contract negotiations, Eberl is sending out a clear signal: "Of course you can throw out the next coach and say, again the next coach and again the next coach. But it's the boys on the pitch who have to stand there and perform," the 50-year-old explained recently.

Leroy Sane

Next on his list is Sane. He will soon meet the 28-year-old for a meal and discuss a possible contract extension beyond 2025. He has already ruled out a salary increase in advance, preferring to reduce the fixed amount and link it more to performance. Similar negotiations will then take place with Kimmich. Here, too, the salary base is to be shaken and, if necessary, a departure accepted. Eberl is determined to implement his new strict line and drive forward a radical change.

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