In Lessach:

ÖVP local leader lets two red mandates lapse

08.04.2024 16:39

The landslide victory in the municipal elections in Lessach came as a surprise to the SPÖ itself. There were too few candidates on the list for five seats. Now they have been added. However, the proposal is inadmissible, as the electoral authority under ÖVP mayor Peter Perner decided.

Was it a clever political move or was this a correct interpretation of the Salzburg municipal election regulations? Political opinions are divided in Lessach.

Mayor Peter Perner (ÖVP) does not accept the proposal. (Bild: Holitzky Roland)
Mayor Peter Perner (ÖVP) does not accept the proposal.

The municipal electoral authority, headed by ÖVP mayor Peter Perner, has now declared the SPÖ list that was subsequently submitted to be invalid. The starting point is complex: the high share of votes in the election had surprised the red faction in the municipality, which had previously had an absolute black majority. Originally, only three people were available for the five mandates achieved. They had to add mandataries and did so. The sticking point: in addition to three new names, the first three were also on the list. "Inadmissible", the municipal electoral authority has now ruled.

Room for interpretation in the law

The key data for so-called supplementary lists following election successes are laid down in the Salzburg municipal election regulations. The proposal must contain at least as many substitute candidates as candidates from this party have been elected. However, the wording in Section 86 leaves room for interpretation. "The procedure does not correspond to the will of the voters. We will now examine this legally," says the SPÖ, which also criticizes the fact that it was not informed and is considering taking the matter to the Constitutional Court. Each local authority can decide on municipal election issues itself. In a similar case in Filzmoos in 2019, fewer names were required.

Local head Perner speaks of pure due diligence. "We also need replacement members in case someone drops out." The SPÖ thus loses 2 mandates and slips behind the ÖVP (4) with only 3.

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