Lord Of The Dance live

Michael Flatley: “The show is absolutely timeless”

21.04.2024 09:00

Around 40 tap dancers, perfectly choreographed, moving to the rhythm and defying the limits of physics. Welcome to "Lord Of The Dance", the most successful dance show in history, which is finally coming back to Austria these days. Inventor, ex-dancer and show director Michael Flatley talks to the "Krone" about his extraordinary life.

30 years ago, an unknown dancer named Michael Flatley wowed the audience in an interlude at the 1994 Song Contest in Dublin, Ireland. His seven-minute performance to the song "Riverdance" was the surprise of the evening. The passionate American of Irish descent, who had been practising his talent to the hilt since the early 1970s, finally had his big moment at the age of 35. The song became the show "Riverdance", which in turn crystallized into "Lord Of The Dance". Since its premiere in Dublin in 1996, the world's most successful dance show has played more than 1000 different venues and thrilled more than 60 million people in 60 countries across the globe.

Flatley's once naive dream of creating the biggest Irish dance show in the world became a reality. The timeless story about believing in yourself and standing your ground in a world full of obstacles and villains is as timeless as it is contemporary. Flatley himself danced for a very long time, but after an attempt at a comeback he had to give up for good in 2016 and has since concentrated on the business, training and motivating young dancers. He recorded a flute album, fulfilled his lifelong dream of creating his own films with the spy thriller "Blackbird" and the war drama "Dreamdance" and sometimes took questionable turns in between - such as when he proudly performed with his dance troupe at the inauguration of Donald Trump as US President in January 2017. Today, he divides his life between Ireland and Monte Carlo with his wife and son and is fighting an aggressive cancer. However, Flatley has not lost any of his enthusiasm.

(Bild: Wolfgang Wilde)

"Krone": Michael, how are you doing given the circumstances? You were diagnosed with an aggressive cancer at the beginning of 2023 ...
Michael Flatley:
 Thank you for asking. I feel very good, I have fantastic days and days that are not so good. I have a very long road ahead of me, but God is with me and everything will be fine in the end.

Now the big show "Lord Of The Dance" is coming to Salzburg, Wiener Neustadt and Vienna. What do you yourself associate with Austria?
I've been on stage with you a few times and was also a guest at the Opera Ball several times. That was an extraordinary experience, the day after I often went to see the Johann Strauss concerts and was impressed by the atmosphere that acoustic instruments can create. I often stayed at the Imperial and the Bristol, two of my absolute favorite hotels in Europe, and enjoyed strolling along the Ring in the freezing cold. I have nothing but good memories of Vienna.

Will you be a surprise guest on the Austrian dates of "Lord Of The Dance"?
I can't promise, but I hope so. If my health allows it, I would love to come.

The success story of "Lord Of The Dance" started in Dublin in 1996 - today it is the most successful tap dance show in history. Could you ever have dreamed that it would get this far?
Even as a young boy, I had the big dream of conquering the world with a dance show. We did it city by city and country by country and are probably the only show in the world that gets standing ovations every night. When I created the show, I knew there was something very special in the air. The audience was cheering and asking for more and I realized early on that this project was here to stay. We are still here and the show is still infused with top quality. My dream came true.

Exactly 30 years ago, you first caused a sensation as a dancer in "Riverdance" at the 1994 Song Contest. As an American with Irish ancestors, are you the best example of the American dream come true?
I have no idea if I can take credit for that, but I have always aspired to be the best and have worked very hard all my life to achieve it. Today, it's up to me to instill in the younger generation that they have to work very hard for their dreams and that nothing in life is impossible. I really believe in this and try to instill these thoughts in the dancers and the crew.

In your opinion, what is the secret to the success of "Lord Of The Dance"? Why is this concept so successful globally?
I think the success is based on various pillars. If you ask around 100 people about the highlights of the show, you'll get 100 different answers. For me, it's down to the timelessness and vibrancy of the story. People can see themselves reflected in it because the program is always fighting obstacles and villains that can't be overcome - just like in real life. If you work hard and give your all, then you triumph against evil and celebrate victory. The dancers are absolute perfectionists. 40 of them stand in a row, touch the floor several times a second while tap dancing and yet they are perfectly coordinated and choreographed. This is an enormous challenge, but one that we gladly accept. The power of the music penetrates deep into your soul and gives you a positive feeling. No show in the world can do this and it's a fundamental reason why audiences across the globe love us.

You had already ended your active career as a dancer once before, until the audience asked you back and you complied with this request. In 2016, it was finally over - at the proud age of 58. Was it no longer physically possible at some point?
I love being on stage. Nothing compares to the feeling when a show is over and ten thousand people are cheering loudly, clapping and chanting your name. All my life, I've always given my all to relive that moment over and over again. We bring joy to people and it's really hard to stop. I could still dance, but over the years it would have become too dangerous for my back and spine. Certain things would have been beyond repair. That was the point at which I pressed the stop button. Now my focus is on supporting the next generations of dancers.

What were the biggest sacrifices you had to make after putting around half of your life fully into "Lord Of The Dance"?
There were many sacrifices. Even as a young man, I wasn't able to go out much or meet women. I got up, had breakfast and went to the rehearsal room to dance and practise. Day after day, month after month, year after year - I doggedly pursued my dream. I neglected many relationships so that I could bring Irish culture to the whole world with Lord Of The Dance. I had countless operations, my knees were broken early on and I often went on stage in great pain. There really were many sacrifices I had to make, but every single one was worth it. I wouldn't trade it for anything or anyone.

(Bild: Wolfgang Wilde)

You just mentioned it - you are something of an unofficial cultural ambassador for Ireland. How much of the understanding of Irish culture in this world would you attribute to yourself and the show?
Ireland itself has done that, but I firmly believe that we have supported and promoted the message. It's not just about Irish culture, it's about the heart and soul of Ireland. Thank God we are a neutral country, which is why we are loved or at least liked by everyone. We have no enemies and love to celebrate the joy and passion of the Irish soul. That soul is embedded in so many people around the world, you just have to find it and set it free. It is a great honor to play my part in putting Ireland and its culture more prominently on the world map. I have created my dance style with thousands of great dancers. Many people who have attended our shows have gone on to get married or set up dance schools themselves - that makes me immensely proud.

Are messages such as joy, lightness and peace, which resonate in "Lord Of The Dance", all the more important today because times are so tough?
I would agree with that. Our focus as humans should be on spreading the culture, the joy and the love. All the positive things that God has given us. I see no reason why conflict should be stirred up.

The concept of "Lord Of The Dance" has endured, but the show has of course been expanded and updated over the years. Is it important to you to be contemporary with the project?
"Lord Of The Dance has always remained relevant and profitable, even though the entertainment business has changed so much. I always focus on small changes and adaptations and the version we are now performing in Austria is almost completely infused with new costumes and ideas. The images on the video screen have also changed, but the show itself remains the same. The power of the original program, some of which people fell in love with almost 30 years ago, is unbroken. We remain true to our roots, but at the same time we are always trying to break down walls.

Of course, the dance is the focus, but it's also about the visual presentation, the storyline and the conceptualization. Is the immense success perhaps also due to the fact that it was always about more than "just" the dance?
I am very sure of that. The storyline, which represents the heart of Ireland and all the good things in the world, has played a big part in the success. We want to spread that Irish soul, which is fierce and full of happiness. It's the eternal battle of good versus evil and it's about resisting adversity and fighting setbacks, getting back up again and again and carrying on. It's about emerging victorious in the end and celebrating that victory - with our audience. I don't know of any show in the world that internalizes all of this in such a way.

How difficult is it to become a dancer on "Lord Of The Dance"? How strict and brutal is the application process?
Of course we have to be strict. We have a very long waiting list of dancers and they all know how difficult it is to become a part of it. It's like professional soccer - if you want to play in the Champions League, you have to be one of the best of the very best because you're in the best show. Our dancers get better every year and make incredible leaps in quality. They train together, nutrition and stretching are of particular importance and when they step on stage, the mental component has to be right too.

The mind must be sharpened and the focus must be aligned. They have to be in the now and in character for an entire evening. It's not just about the dance being perfect, but also about the acting going beyond the normal range. I always tell my dancers that the audience sees everything and that you can never be satisfied with yourself. That's why the dancers get better from generation to generation, they all carry this spirit within them.

When you made your big breakthrough in 1994, you were already 35 years old and no longer a youngster. How important was it that you were able to gain life experience before your success and how did your life change afterwards?
Hard work, discipline, respect and self-belief were incredibly important to cope with everything. Many members of the press think that some dancers are arrogant or particularly ego-driven, but if you want to be at the top, you need to be overflowing with self-confidence. That's the only way you can make it and stay at the top. These dancers are the best and they deserve to be seen as such. They work incredibly hard for it. If you follow your dreams, work hard and don't shy away from this hard work, nothing is impossible. That's how it was for me and that's why fame never threw me off my hinges.

(Bild: Wolfgang Wilde)

You are also very passionate about the music and film business and are also a father. How do you manage all that in a single life?
All these things just happened. I married the most beautiful woman in the world and I have the best son you can imagine as a father. My job is to be there for them, love them and take care of them. I love making music and feel blessed to have been able to work with many great and famous musicians. I have dreamed of being a movie actor since I was a teenager. When I went into dance retirement in 2016, I immediately started writing a script and then realized and produced the film. It was very successful and I fulfilled my next dream. I'm very proud of the fact that I followed through with that too.

Are there still dreams that you want to fulfill?
There are always dreams, they never end. As long as I can, I'll keep chasing them. I'm currently working on a Christmas show that will be performed this year. I would also like to bring this show to Austria, which would be a good fit for you.

What advice would you give your younger, inexperienced self with the knowledge and experience you have today?
I still remember the early days when I trained and practiced in bitterly cold industrial buildings. I had no money, no one believed in me and no one supported me, but I never stopped believing that all that hard work would lead to something. I would do the same today because I would have the confidence in myself.

The show live in Austria
"Lord Of The Dance" makes a stop at the large Festspielhaus in Salzburg on April 21, at the Arena Nova in Wiener Neustadt on April 23 and at the Wiener Stadthalle F on April 24. You can find detailed information on the individual program items and all available ticket options at www.oeticket.com.

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