How chances increase
106 million jackpot: How to increase your chances
160 million euros are in the "EuroMillions" pot tonight (October 4) - in Tuesday evening's draw, nobody got the five correct numbers plus the two star numbers. We show you how you too can increase your chances of winning the lottery or the casino and why "dreaming" should always be allowed according to statistician Erich Neuwirth.
While the chances of winning low sums in the "EuroMillions" are relatively good, with at least one in 13 picks getting at least one number right on average, the chances of hitting the jackpot are unsurprisingly very low.
To be precise, the odds of correctly picking the 5 out of 50 numbers plus 2 out of 12 star numbers are just 1:139,838,160.
For statistician Erich Neuwirth, the fact that around 60 million lottery tickets are sold every week to over 200 million people in the European participating countries makes perfect sense: "You buy the right to dream with your ticket," says the numbers juggler about practically all lotteries.

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