Falling into the trap

“Not my type at all”: love chaos with Sylvie Meis

18.04.2024 12:00

A few weeks ago, actor Ante Brekalo (36) caused quite a stir on social media. The 36-year-old claimed to be the new man at Sylvie Meis' (46) side. However, the supposed love affair quickly turned out to be a joke. The presenter fell into the trap of "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" - with far-reaching consequences ...

"In fact, the Dutch and some of the German press reacted very quickly and there were many requests for a statement or interview," Sylvie Meis recalled in an interview with the news agency "spot on news".

Brekalo was part of a fake photo shoot for a Hamburg hotel in which Meis was to be staged as a new celebrity brand ambassador - including horrible make-up, blurred pictures and a love selfie...

Meis felt "like she was in a bad movie"
For the presenter, the prank was "a wild and unforgettable experience". And later she was able to laugh about it: "I was also able to laugh about the prank quite quickly. I didn't think it was that funny at the time. But when the 'Verstehen Sie Spaß?' team resolved the situation, I was so relieved. I really felt like I was in a bad movie there."

Sylvie Meis was fooled on "Verstehen Sie Spaß" - a real horror day for the 46-year-old. (Bild: SWR/Thorsten Hein)
Sylvie Meis was fooled on "Verstehen Sie Spaß" - a real horror day for the 46-year-old.

Sylvie Meis was invited to a fake photo shoot for "Verstehen Sie Spaß". Suddenly, blue eye shadow and garish pink lipstick were slapped on the professional model's face. Does she know how to have fun with her appearance?

"I'll be honest, when it comes to my appearance, I can't take much fun. For me, it's part of my job to look well-groomed and sensible. I have high standards. Of course, the wild styling irritated me, but thanks to my long experience, I remained relatively relaxed and simply saved what I could," says the 46-year-old.

Male model is introduced as her new boyfriend
Meis was later joined in the horror shoot by a male model, who was suddenly introduced in the media as her new boyfriend. The panicked presenter had only one thing on her mind: "Help, my parents, what do they think about me?"

She continued: "He's not even my type. And how the hell did the post end up on my channel? I really thought I must have been hooked and what I was going to do next. Panic would be the right word for that moment."

However, Meis quickly responded on Instagram with a denial. However, the fake love story had already made waves by then: "It's unbelievable how quickly it always happens." A shock moment for the 46-year-old.

Sylvie Meis "was so incredibly relieved"
But the relief was all the greater when the situation was finally resolved. "I was so incredibly relieved that it was all just a 'joke' and didn't really happen. I wouldn't have known what to do next, so the break-up came at the right moment," admitted Meis.

The presenter didn't even realize that something was wrong. "It irritated me that I didn't have my usual team around me, but this was well justified with the spontaneous shooting request. Even my manager Marina was involved, she played it off well and didn't let on. Sometimes you can't believe all the 'crazy' things that happen to us every day," she explained.

The entire episode of "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" will be broadcast on April 20 at 20:15 on ARD and ORF.

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