For more safety

New rules for e-scooters in Klagenfurt

01.02.2024 17:07

The "Krone" has already had to report several times about e-scooters carelessly parked on the sidewalk or even thrown into the Lendkanal. From June, a new set of regulations in Klagenfurt will set out clear rules to improve road safety.

Only 200 scooters per rental company will be allowed to be parked in the Carinthian capital - a maximum of 15 at any one location - and in designated areas. Parking outside such areas is prohibited. A maximum speed of 8 km/h is permitted in pedestrian zones and up to 20 km/h in the rest of the city.

New rules in Klagenfurt in June

Parking e-scooters is prohibited in pedestrian lanes, pedestrian meeting zones, short-term parking zones, in public green spaces and playgrounds, in front of buildings and facilities of cultural importance, on footpaths and cycle paths, in bicycle parking facilities, in bus stop areas and in areas with tactile guidance systems.

Equipment and speed are now also specified. The small and mini electric scooters themselves must be equipped with easy-to-use indicators and have a stand. A maximum speed limit of 8 km/h applies in pedestrian zones and 20 km/h in other urban areas.

In future, landlords must collect incorrectly parked e-scooters within two hours of them being reported. If this does not happen, the authorities can have them removed. Violations of the provisions of the new ordinance constitute an administrative offense.

 Kärntner Krone
Kärntner Krone
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