Proportion of women increased

Small children are now the largest group of asylum seekers

22.04.2024 08:29

Children up to the age of seven are now the largest group of asylum seekers. In the first quarter, almost a third of asylum applications came from children between the ages of zero and seven. Around 53 percent of applicants are under the age of 18 and the proportion of female asylum seekers has risen significantly. Overall, the number of applications according to asylum statistics is falling.

6922 asylum applications were submitted in the first three months of the year. This is 32 percent less than in the same period last year. The Ministry of the Interior attributes this to consistent action against smugglers, for whom Austria has become unattractive. In March of the previous year, 1150 apprehensions were recorded in Burgenland alone, compared to only 36 in March 2024. The prices for smuggling have also almost doubled due to the countermeasures. For example, between 3,000 and 5,000 euros had to be paid for the journey from Bulgaria to Austria.

Refugees in Deutschkreuz in Burgenland in an archive photo. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the measures against smugglers are proving successful. (Bild: P. Huber)
Refugees in Deutschkreuz in Burgenland in an archive photo. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the measures against smugglers are proving successful.

Family reunification: many applications from women and children
On the other hand, it is clear that family reunification is having an impact. As many as 3649 applications came from minors. 3273 were submitted by adults. The proportion of women has risen sharply. Almost 46 percent of applications came from female asylum seekers. In 2023 as a whole, only around 24% of applications were submitted by women. Syrians are now by far the largest nation among asylum seekers, accounting for 4335 applications. Both groups have a good chance of obtaining protection in Austria. Only 30 percent of asylum applications from Syrians were rejected, compared to 39 percent for Afghans.

The influx via family procedures is likely to remain high. In the first quarter, a positive prognosis was issued in 3783 cases, which will generally result in the granting of protection status. As many as 3503 of this group come from Syria. Asylum seekers from this country were also the most frequently granted protection status. 5330 people were granted asylum or subsidiary protection in the first three months. In total, there were around 7500 positive decisions (including humanitarian stays).

Many Russians were denied asylum or subsidiary protection
According to the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum, asylum or subsidiary protection was withdrawn in 191 cases, with Russians at the top of the list. The group of EU and EEA citizens against whom expulsion orders were issued is relatively large, namely 446 people, with Slovaks and Romanians most strongly represented. In addition, a residence ban was issued in 587 cases. This is possible if the person's behavior endangers public safety or order. Detention pending deportation was ordered 846 times in the first quarter.

There were 1427 cases of voluntary departures from January to March. This contrasts with 1722 forced removals from the country. In total, this is just under 240 more than in the first quarter of the previous year. When both groups are added together, Slovaks, Turks and Hungarians are at the top of the list of those who had to return to their home country. The majority of Turks left voluntarily. According to the Ministry of the Interior, 39 percent of those deported had committed criminal offenses.

The number of displaced persons from Ukraine who are still seeking protection in Austria this year is not at all small. In the period from January to March, 3484 people were registered in accordance with the Ukraine Displaced Persons Ordinance.

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