Horror in Russia

Pardoned ex-Wagner mercenary dismembers woman

22.04.2024 09:38

In the aggressor state of Russia, a returned Wagner mercenary is once again causing horror. As is so often the case in the warring country, the ex-convict continued to murder without scruples after his pardon.

You had to ring the doorbell and knock for a long time. When the front door finally opened, the man in the apartment - 42-year-old Alexei S. - could not explain where the suitcase containing human remains had come from, reports the news portal "Fontanka". But it was immediately clear from which window another suitcase with body parts had been thrown out.

Initially, Alexei S. acted the ignorant man, but later made a confession, it continues. On Sunday evening, the man was arrested and the horrific crime reportedly took place in the village of Nikolskoye near the northern metropolis of St. Petersburg. A 20-year-old girl had previously reported her mother missing. Alexei S. described how he had dismembered the woman with a saw because of an argument. He had bought a suitcase with wheels to hide the body parts.

Back in society without therapy
According to "Fontanka", Alexei S. was sentenced to twelve years in prison for murder in 2018. At the end of 2022, he was recruited for military service in Ukraine in the penal colony and returned to Russia last summer.

Ex-soldiers are making the world's largest country increasingly insecure. It was only at the end of March that a pardoned Wagner mercenary stabbed his roommate in the capital Moscow and cut off her ear. He then called the police himself.

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