Until 2030

Work on the escape tunnel in the Schmitt tunnel

22.04.2024 13:15

Six million vehicles drive through the Schmitt Tunnel in Zell am See every year. In order to increase safety, work is starting on a three-kilometer-long system of escape and rescue tunnels. As reported, work is currently underway on the tunnel portal.

The system along the Schmitt Tunnel should be completed by 2030. There are currently two escape routes, but there will then be 14 in total. Four of them will be accessible to emergency vehicles.

"The prevailing rock there is no problem for tunnel construction. It is easy to drill and blast. However, we do expect localized post-breakage, which will have to be secured. But we have very good options for this with shotcrete," says Ludwig Fegerl, geologist for the province.

Ludwig Fegerl is a geologist with the state of Salzburg. (Bild: Land Salzburg/Bernhard Kern)
Ludwig Fegerl is a geologist with the state of Salzburg.

Construction will take place in three sections. As these are relatively short for tunnel construction, no tunnel boring machine will be used. "There is a drilling phase, there is a blasting phase and then the material is removed. At the end, it is secured. This is classic tunnel construction," says Fegerl.

Key points about the rescue tunnels

  • Start of construction in April 2024 (preparations)
  • Total costs for the safety package: around 95 million euros, of which around 76.5 million euros for the escape and rescue tunnels
  • There are currently two escape routes. When completed, there will be an additional twelve, four of which will be accessible for emergency vehicles.
  • Three sections, completion of all sections is planned for 2030
  • Still in April: preparatory work in the pre-portal area of the Seehäusl escape tunnel (construction site equipment)
  • From mid-May: The existing escape route at Seehäusl is widened to create space for the tunnel drive
  • From mid-June: The tunnel in the direction of Zell am See is driven forward
  • Extensive information has already been provided to the affected property owners and residents, and an ombudsman's office will also be set up
  • A total of up to 30 people will be working on the construction site
  • Closures due to the construction of the escape and rescue tunnels will only be temporary, namely when the breakthroughs to the main tunnel are made. The state media center will provide information about this in good time. The same applies to the further procedure for the renovation of the south portal as soon as the start of the work, for which the tendering process is currently underway, has been decided.

    Source: Province of Salzburg

The south portal is being renovated independently of the rescue tunnel. The tunnel will be completely closed from May 6. It is expected to be open to traffic again from June 29.

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