Caught in a trap

“I’m broke now”: Amira Pocher was ripped off

23.04.2024 14:58

Amira Pocher was ripped off and is now annoyed about her "own stupidity".

In the latest episode of her podcast "Liebes Leben", Amira Pocher revealed: "Something stupid happened to me."

Bargain turned out to be a rip-off
Three workers rang her doorbell. They were very pleasant men with a professional appearance who, according to her, had just been working for the neighbor. The men offered to clear her driveway of moss - for just 10 euros per square meter instead of 50 euros per square meter.

Amira Pocher was ripped off by three men. "I'm broke now," sighed the ex of comedian Oliver Pocher in her podcast "Liebes Leben". (Bild: Jonas Walzberg / dpa /
Amira Pocher was ripped off by three men. "I'm broke now," sighed the ex of comedian Oliver Pocher in her podcast "Liebes Leben".

She was in a hurry, which is why she first agreed and passed the matter on to her housekeeper, Pocher continued. She finally called her to tell her that the men had quoted a hefty price of 3600 euros after a generous measurement with steps.

She hesitated, whereupon they offered to accommodate her. "That was a rip-off," sighed Amira looking back.

"I'm broke now"
But because she found it so hard to say no, she agreed to the lower price anyway. But then came the next shock: the workers demanded cash!

She didn't have that much cash at home, she explained, and she also wanted a bill, Amira continued. But she was tricked there too. Because at that moment, her brother Hima came home with the children, whereupon the three workers were not sparing with their compliments.

Amira Pocher fell for three men. "It was a rip-off," says Oliver Pocher's ex now. (Bild: Sebastian Christoph Gollnow / dpa /
Amira Pocher fell for three men. "It was a rip-off," says Oliver Pocher's ex now.

She allowed herself to be softened up and gave the men the money in cash after all. But before she could claim a bill, the peddlers were already gone.

"I'm broke now," joked Amira in her podcast - and admitted at the same time: "I'm annoyed at my own stupidity."

Amira and Oliver Pocher announced the end of their marriage last summer. The couple have two sons together.

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