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This trio of goalkeepers is on Austria’s shortlist

24.04.2024 10:01

The snow shouldn't be a problem for the second leg against Salzburg. In the race to replace Menzel at Austria Klagenfurt, a trio is on the shortlist. The Austrian pot is now an issue for the Violets. .

Klagenfurt's final training session had to be held yesterday, Tuesday, on the artificial turf in front of the gates of the EM Arena - because the training pitch was full of snow. In the Wörthersee Stadium, however, the natural green should be fine. "It is not necessary to switch on the pitch heating, the ground is warm enough as it is. So there's no danger of the snow sticking," says Sportpark boss Daniel Greiner reassuringly.

Austria captain: Thorsten Mahrer. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Austria captain: Thorsten Mahrer.

"Defend more aggressively and cleverly"
Austria Klagenfurt want to do better against Salzburg today (Wednesday) than they did in the 4-2 defeat on Sunday. "We have to defend more poisonously and cleverly, all in all the goals we conceded were too cheap. And then the Bulls also missed a lot of chances in the second half," emphasized captain Thorsten Mahrer.

(Bild: GEPA pictures/ Gintare Karpaviciute)

It was also thanks to keeper Phillip Menzel that the defeat was not even worse. "Playing Salzburg twice in a row is a real challenge, both mentally and physically - because these are sometimes the most intense games of the season. But we also know that they are not invulnerable," emphasized Menzel.

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Playing Salzburg twice in a row is a real challenge, both mentally and physically - because these are sometimes the most intense games of the season. But we also know that they are not invulnerable

Klagenfurt-Goalie Philip Menzel

The German's future is clear - the 25-year-old will leave the club after four years. Everything is said to be fixed with third-division club Saarbrücken (who collected almost four million euros thanks to their run to the DFB Cup semi-finals! Even if Menzel says: "I don't want to comment on that."

Nikolas Polster is on the Violets' list. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Nikolas Polster is on the Violets' list.

Menzel's successor is likely to come from the 2nd division
In the search for a successor, Violett will probably turn to the 2nd division: U21 team goalkeeper Nikolas Polster, who is on loan to Horn from LASK, U21 team keeper Elias Scherf, who is on loan to Amstetten from Hartberg, and Dornbirn's Jakob Odehnal (who belongs to Altach) are the first options - one of the trio is likely to be chosen.

Elias Scherf is also an issue. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Elias Scherf is also an issue.

Managing director Peer Jaekel is keeping a low profile. However, following the signing of Tobias Koch, the club will now keep an eye on the financially lucrative Austrian pot for the first time. "We want to retain local talent and have become interesting for young Austrians. It's a path we'd like to take!" says Jaekel, who yesterday inaugurated the newly opened Austria-Stüberl on the north side.

Blue and white offers more than purple
In any case, the situation with ace defender Nico Wimmer remains difficult: because Blau-Weiß Linz are offering the 29-year-old a bit more than Violett in financial terms! Personnel? Cvetko returns after suspension, Gkezos (hand fracture) is out, as are Binder, Djoric, Maglica and Loune - the latter had a stomach bug. "He has allegedly lost eight kilos!" said coach Pacult.

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