Self-test shows:
With that much beer, your driver’s license is gone
A welcome champagne here, a beer there, a little nightcap to say goodbye - and then off to the car. In the worst-case scenario, this bad decision can lead to nasty accidents with fatal consequences. But losing your driver's license can also turn what was previously a fun evening into one with serious consequences. The "Krone" did a self-test to find out when you reach 0.5 per mille alcohol in your blood.
In general, the legal limit for driving a motor vehicle in Austria is 0.5 per mille of alcohol in the blood. At 0.8 per mille, the driver's license is lost. Although reaction time and the ability to make the right decision are negatively affected from the very first sip. "Even the smallest amounts of alcohol impair the ability to think and react. In this state, road users can endanger their own lives as well as those of others," warns Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Robatsch, Head of Road Safety at the KFV.

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