Agreement with Russia

Group of abducted children handed over to Kiev

25.04.2024 07:50

Russia and Ukraine have reached an agreement on the exchange of displaced children. The agreement provides for 29 children to be brought to Ukraine and 19 to Russia, said Russia's children's rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova on Wednesday in Doha, where representatives of Ukraine and Russia met with Qatari mediators.

The Ukrainian parliament's human rights commissioner, Dmytro Lubinez, did not confirm the information to the AFP news agency. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated that a "group of 16 Ukrainian children" had been released and "reunited with their families" in Qatar. He did not go into the Russian details of the exchange.

Moscow is accused of abducting Ukrainian children to Russian territory. An arrest warrant was issued against Lvova-Belova by the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2023 in this connection. The Kremlin's children's rights commissioner did not provide any details as to why the children are in Russian hands or where they came from.

Children's rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova (Bild: APA/AFP/Alexander NEMENOV)
Children's rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova

"For the first time we have spoken face to face with the Ukrainian side," Lvova-Belova added. Lubinez, on the other hand, said that Ukraine and Russia had no direct communication on the case.

Moscow: Children taken to safety from combat zones
Kiev assumes that Russia has abducted more than 19,000 Ukrainian children since the start of the invasion in February 2022. Only 400 have been returned so far. Some of them reported that they had been subjected to Russian patriotic education. They are also said to have been forced to praise the Russian army. The Kremlin denies the allegations. According to them, the children were taken out of combat zones for security reasons.

The parents of some children were killed, other families were separated by the rapidly changing front line at the beginning of the invasion. Some children lived in Ukrainian orphanages in areas occupied by Russia.
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