Rainer Nowak Talk:

U-committee debate: “Then there’s fire on the roof”

25.04.2024 12:44

Corinna Scharzenberger (ÖVP), Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ), Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) and David Stögmüller (Greens) debated in the "Rainer Nowak Talk" on krone.tv on Wednesday evening. The debate was highly emotional.

How useful are the current committees? Rainer Nowak posed this question in his talk with prominent party representatives. And how to deal with René Benko, who has once again canceled his appearance. Until now, the threat of a police summons had always sufficed. This time it could be the case, said SPÖ parliamentary group leader Kai Jan Krainer. All parties would be in favor of this, just in case. That was the end of the unity. The Cofag committee suffers from a lack of witnesses and is haphazard, says Corinna Scharzenberger, who is black. "I don't know which events you were at," replied FPÖ parliamentary group leader Hafenecker, who doubted the usefulness of the "red-blue swamp committee".

Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ) (Bild: krone.tv)
Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ)

There was a lively debate. Super-rich people like Benko or Wolf had been favored by the financial sector - that was a realization, said SPÖ member Kai Jan Krainer. If control does not work, then "there is fire on the roof." Scharzenberger: "The only thing that the Cofag committee has produced is that finance works."

In the "Rainer Nowak Talk" on krone.tv on Wednesday evening, Corinna Scharzenberger (ÖVP), Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ), Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) and David Stögmüller (Greens) discussed the issue. (Bild: krone.tv)
In the "Rainer Nowak Talk" on krone.tv on Wednesday evening, Corinna Scharzenberger (ÖVP), Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ), Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) and David Stögmüller (Greens) discussed the issue.

Heated debate about espionage
The affair surrounding the alleged spy Egisto Ott and the political context were also discussed. It became highly emotional. Either Herbert Kickl had betrayed Austria or failed as Interior Minister. "Then why did Ott make a career with Mikl-Leitner and Sobotka? The ÖVP has been in the Ministry of the Interior for 24 years," Hafenecker replied.

Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ) (Bild: krone.tv)
Christian Hafenecker (FPÖ)

The suspicion: a spy ring was formed with Ott, his partner Weiss and the fugitive Marsalek. Krainer: "The FPÖ allowed itself to be instrumentalized. For house searches at the BVT under Kickl. And the ÖVP gave Mr. Ott all access until the British secret service came forward in 2022 and said he was a spy. The suspicion had already existed since 2017." It went back and forth. Krainer: "It's unbearable that people are just pointing fingers at each other on such an important topic." It's about clarification. There is agreement on this. And: The ÖVP announces a Kickl-Russia committee. Also urgently needed for the Green Party's Stögmüller. "It's not just about the spy ring, but also about larger Russian networks." FPÖ man Hafenecker led the trail to the Chamber of Commerce. So to the ÖVP.

Watch the whole talk in the video above!

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