Debate continues

Transparency remains a hot topic in Oberwart

25.04.2024 18:00

The municipality of Oberwart presented a transparency report for the 5th time. SPÖ now demands compliance rules for councillors and employees.

Interested citizens are always given an insight into the finances of their own municipality. During the statutory publication periods, they have the opportunity to view the financial statements and estimates. In Oberwart, a transparency report has now been published for the fifth time in a row, in which all of the town's expenditure - over 5,000 euros - as well as subsidies and grants are presented.

SPÖ fuels transparency debate
While city manager Georg Rosner (ÖVP) speaks of transparent financial management that even exceeds the legal requirements according to the municipal code, the SPÖ recently criticized the city's lack of transparency and spoke of "freelancing". The Audit Committee also called for the disclosure of the business relationships of members of the city and municipal councils and senior employees. The ÖVP in turn reported the chairwoman of the audit committee to the municipal department, as deadlines had not been met.

Rosner criticizes lost revenue shares of 700,000 euros
According to Rosner, the city is in a good financial position despite all the challenges, such as the shortfall in revenue shares from the state of around 700,000 euros. "Despite everything, we have succeeded in further reducing debt and investing," said Rosner. In terms of transparency, however, there is still a lot of room for improvement, according to the SPÖ, which is calling on the head of the city to draw up a proposal for compliance rules for city councillors and employees. "From our point of view, more needs to happen and we assume that all parties represented in the municipal council see it the same way."

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