In the relegation battle

Dornbirn have no doubts ahead of the clash with Sturm

27.04.2024 09:25

FC Dornbirn traveled to Graz with plenty of self-confidence, where the Reds want to keep Sturm II at bay and could move closer to the non-relegation places with another win. Top scorer Anteo Fetahu returned to coach Eric Orie's team after his yellow card suspension.

With the recent 2-2 draw in Stripfing, the Reds are now unbeaten in five games, but had to interrupt their winning run. However, this is set to resume today (14:30) against Sturm's amateurs. Because a three-pointer would be worth its weight in gold for many reasons. The Rothosen could create an eight-point cushion over Sturm, which would mean one less worry. In the best-case scenario, they could also close the gap to the non-relegation places to one point.

And a fifth win in the sixth game would also boost their confidence. "It will be a difficult game against a strong young team. We have to make good use of the experience we have against them," said FCD coach Eric Orie, "we'll be out on the pitch with a broad chest, we have no doubts about ourselves. But we have to be focused. And make a few fewer mistakes like we did against Stripfing."

Coach Eric Orie and his team have picked up 13 out of a possible 15 points in the last five rounds. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Coach Eric Orie and his team have picked up 13 out of a possible 15 points in the last five rounds.

A returnee
The fact that Anteo Fetahu is back in the starting XI after his yellow card suspension is good news. "We've got a player back who is in top form," says Orie. Goalkeeper Jakob Odehnal (after a facial injury) and defender William Rodrigues (after a toe injury) are completely symptom-free.

Striker Renan (right) is likely to miss more time due to a tweaked hip flexor. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Striker Renan (right) is likely to miss more time due to a tweaked hip flexor.

The coach will also have to do without Noa Mathis and Renan, who has a hip flexor problem. "Unfortunately, I don't have a prognosis at the moment. But we hope they will still be able to play this season." Contrary to expectations, Mateusinho, who saw an (unjustified) red card against Vienna and served a two-match ban, will also be missing. "Our appeal was rejected," says the Dutchman angrily.

Dornbirn will start planning their squad for the new season next week, when they should receive a decision on the license that was rejected in the first instance.

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