After 43 years

Chief of police hands over the keys to younger hands

01.05.2024 16:00

Christian Sagmeister can look back on numerous deployments. The commander of the St. Kanzian Inspectorate is handing over the reins to younger hands on May 1.

It was the way it used to be - my father practically pushed me into the profession. I didn't want to be a police officer when I was young," recalls control inspector Christian Sagmeister (62). The son of a cab operator, he attended the gendarmerie school in Krumpendorf in 1981 and learned to love his job: "But I quickly realized that it was the right path." His first station was the Kühnsdorf gendarmerie post. He then moved to Grafenstein and then to Gallizien for 16 years, where Sagmeister also became commander.

Nine years as commander in St. Kanzian
A historic day was April 30, 2014, when Gallizien was closed along with 21 other police stations in the state. "I had mixed feelings about that." On May 1, Sagmeister took up his post at the St. Kanzian police station and on Labor Day he will now also retire. For nine years, he headed the station with 13 officers in the tourist stronghold: "A great team. Of course, we are particularly challenged during the summer season."

Sagmeister at the symbolic handover of the keys (Bild: Polizeiinspektion St. Kanzian)
Sagmeister at the symbolic handover of the keys

Looking back on numerous deployments
Looking back on 43 years of gendarmerie and police service, Sagmeister says: "When you've experienced and seen so much, it's mainly the positive things that you remember." The thoroughbred police officer has also experienced many strokes of fate first-hand during his time on the force; seriously injured people, deaths and family dramas: "The case of an abused and murdered twelve-year-old girl was particularly dramatic."

Today, his deputy Michael Müller takes over the St. Kanzian police station: "I'm celebrating my 20th anniversary today."

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