On Labor Day

Communists sang with trade unionists

01.05.2024 18:00

Red trade unionists and SPÖ leaders used the Labor Day celebrations in Salzburg for election campaigning and side-swipes at the Chamber of Commerce.

The most important question at the May Day celebration of the red trade unionists was quickly answered. "The chicken has thawed," announced chief trade unionist Michael Huber with relief. There had been problems with the delivery of grilled chicken at last year's May Day festival. After the political speeches, a long queue quickly formed in front of the chicken grill.

The SPÖ politicians set different priorities in their speeches on Labor Day. Bernhard Auinger was pleased to be able to celebrate May Day for the first time as the red mayor of the city of Salzburg. AK President Peter Eder focused on his role as a social partner and lashed out at business representatives in light of the working hours debate. "The Chamber of Commerce has already succumbed to populism. When they accuse employees of being lazy, I get hot regardless of the temperature," said Eder, referring to the debate surrounding non-wage labor costs.

The demonstration registered by the KPÖ Plus also passed by the Chamber of Labor. (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
The demonstration registered by the KPÖ Plus also passed by the Chamber of Labor.

SPÖ leader David Egger in election campaign mode
National Councillor Michaela Schmidt and party leader David Egger, who arrived in Neumarkt 30 minutes late due to his mayoral duties, were already back in election campaign mode. "The working time debate is just a foretaste of what Austrians can expect under a right-wing Europe and a blue-black government. I am convinced that we will be successful in the National Council elections," said Egger. "We are still a long way from reaching our goal," said Schmidt with a view to the National Council elections. As the red speeches drew to a close, the May Day demonstration arrived at the fairground in front of the Chamber of Labor.

The "Internationale" with support from the KPÖ
This was organized under the leadership of the KPÖ Plus, but the SPÖ and Bürgerliste, as well as other red and green organizations, also called for participation. Almost 600 demonstrators marched from the main railway station via the Chamber of Labor to Lehen. The future city government partners Auinger, Kay-Michael Dankl and Anna Schiester thus celebrated the First of May together, at least briefly. Communist demonstrators then sang the "Internationale" with the red trade unionists.

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