Customs in Salzburg

It was an (almost) perfect start to May

01.05.2024 19:00

Fantastic weather, the best atmosphere - and many a mishap. That's how the traditional Maypole festivities went this year.

Off with the dirndl, into the lederhosen! The traditional May Day festivals took place all over Salzburg on Wednesday in glorious weather: sunshine, temperatures above 20 degrees, a mild breeze - plus a grilled chicken and a beer. What more could you want?

A broken treetop, a felled tree
It's hardly surprising that the people of Salzburg flocked to the countless maypole erections in the province. However, the festivities did not go entirely according to plan everywhere: in Strobl, the top of the tree broke and buckled during erection. However, the men from the traditional costume association "D' Bleckwandla" did not hesitate and reattached the top. The traditional May Day celebration in Lungau was more troublesome.

Cheers! (Bild: Tröster Andreas)

In the Tamsweg district of Mörtelsdorf, unknown persons sawed down the children's maypole. "A joke, that has nothing to do with tradition", said an angry Lungau resident to the "Krone" newspaper.

This magnificent tree stands in Saalfelden. (Bild: Hölzl Roland)
This magnificent tree stands in Saalfelden.

Things were much more harmless in St. Michael, just a few kilometers away. In the Glashütte district, the Red Cross erected the maypole for the 40th time. Hiasler farmer Michael Maier donated the magnificent tree. However, the Red Cross helpers did not want to reveal the height of the tree for the time being. This is because everyone in Lungau could guess the length of the trunk in a guessing game during the maypole cutting on July 13.

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