Animal welfare a minor matter?

Stork case: Salzburg AG faces charges

03.05.2024 06:00

By removing a wild bird's nest in Leopoldskron, the Salzburg energy giant may have violated several laws. A complaint has been filed with the city council.

A small success for the "Krone" - a big one for the courageous residents of Wildmoosweg and Obermoosweg in Leopoldskron. They had observed how Salzburg AG had rudely removed a stork's nest from an electricity pylon near Moosstraße a good two weeks ago.

Because there had already been a short circuit and because they had acted to protect the animals, as the energy giant assured the "Krone" newspaper. Moreover, according to the company's assessment, it was only a matter of "a few branches".

"There is no breeding without a nest"
Conservationists and bird experts are likely to take a completely different view. "It should be common knowledge that wild animals, including migratory birds, must not be disturbed during the breeding phase. This also includes nest building, because without a nest there is no breeding," explained an ornithologist on Thursday when asked again.

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There has been an increase in the number of storks in Salzburg for a few years now. The remains of the Untersberg moor are a good nesting site.

Hemma Gressel ist Vogelexpertin (Bild: zvg)

Hemma Gressel, Verein Birdlife Salzburg

The fact is that the City of Salzburg's nature conservation authority has now filed a complaint against Salzburg AG. For the unlawful removal of a wild bird's nest. "This was a violation of EU law and Salzburg law in conjunction with the Plant and Animal Species Protection Ordinance", explained Florian Kreibich (ÖVP) to the "Krone" newspaper.

Bernd Huber, the head of the municipal authority responsible, added: "The facts of the case are being investigated and the complaint is being processed by the criminal investigation department. The accused will be asked to comment." Theoretically, Salzburg AG could be fined up to 14,600 euros.

In any case, it is also certain that Moosstrasse, with its nearby lush meadows, is an idyllic location for stork offspring: "It's a good nesting site," says Hemma Gressel from Birdlife.

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